
Wordless Wednesday: Boba in a different form!

Saw this on pinterest a while ago and wanted to try them. The sister found these.


And yes, they are delicious. BRB nomming.

Q4U: What do you wish came in delicious frozen form?


Connie Keller said...

I love frozen anything. Blueberries, hot chocolate, margaritas, etc. (Never tried boba though.)

Golden Eagle said...

Wow. Is there anything they don't turn into frozen food?

Gennia said...

Scott made Martinelli popsicles last night from the bottle that Alz brought for the party. So good!

I have to try those boba pops. Did you get them from 99 Ranch?

Lydia Kang said...

Really? I need to look for those next time I'm at my Asian grocer...

Ali Cross said...

LOL! Perfect! You know, for you and Sophia because I've still never tried a boba.