
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Halloween!

I have returned from vacation, but I am still catching up and think I need a vacation from my vacation, haha. I'll post pictures soon!

In the mean time, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

This is my costume outfit. I'll reveal who I am on Friday.

Loki dressed up too.

Q4U: What did you dress up as for Halloween? OR Are you participating in NaNoWriMo?


Connie Keller said...

I love the costume! Of course, I'd be tempted to wear it regularly--I love vintage clothing.

Katy Upperman said...

LOVE your costume (I know who you're dressing as!) and love the pup's costume too. Way cute! Happy Halloween!

Sophia Chang said...

omg you did not do that to Loki

Where are you wearing your costume to tonight?

Golden Eagle said...

Happy Halloween to you, too! :)

I love the pictures both of your costume and Loki's.