
Toast to Love & the New Year!

What an eventful week it has been this mid-February! As you know, yesterday was Valentine's Day and this past Sunday was the Lunar New Year! It was also the Bad B*tches Bachelorette Weekend for one of my bestest friends (and ex-facebook wife).

So I thought it'd be appropriate to ring in the new year (Year of the Snake) with a lovefest and pictures.

Taken by the Sister at Hsi Lai temple over the weekend.
In no particular order, I'm sending love and general warm fuzzies to...

1) My co-writer, co-blogger, and general sanity manager: Alz. I'm lucky I've known you since we were children because that makes you significantly less intimidating. You've probably seen the absolute worst of my writing. except for maybe that truly terrible fanfic from middle school


2) The Sister. We're stuck with each other, so we might as well be each other's best allies.

Taken by Gennia at the Color Run
3) Best friends: ladies I wouldn't mind getting lost in the snowy desert with.

Hiking in Sedona for Bachelorette weekend. Photo: Gennia
Posing in a dry creek bed.  Photo: Crystal

4) Virtual friends: my book people and writerly cohorts! You who understand the love of words and fictional people and all things geektastic! (And you're all incredibly sweet, to boot!)

Thank you for the sweet Valentine's card, Akoss!

5) Loki

Well, I mean this one too, but mostly I mean...
...this Loki!
He is everyone's Valentine!

HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! Also, have a great President's Day long weekend. You all know how much of a U.S. History nerd I am. ;)

Q4U: Make a toast of your own in the comments! [The Toast of our Bachelorette Weekend was: "To ancient times and distant music!"]

P.S. A long weekend bonus for you...

Paperman - one of my favorite Disney Animation shorts!

Justin Timberlake's SUIT & TIE (Official) video // It's a cool video directed by David Fincher AND the shots of the chandelier-decorated room? That's the El Rey Theatre (where the Sister sometimes works)!


Unknown said...

Awww HAPPY NEW YEAR! I always love seeing your avatar show up on Twitter, you clever lady, so keep being awesome :)

Anonymous said...

Here's to a totally fabulous Disney short!

Anonymous said...

Here's to lovely shout outs and Disney shorts. :)


Sarah said...

Happy Lunar New Year! Here's to sincere best efforts whenever possible and elegant schneizeleffort whenever else. Lovely post, lady :)

Tracey Neithercott said...

<3 Happy Valentine's Day, lady. Also, happy Lunar New Year. Thank you times a million for not posting a photo of a real snake. That one is so much nicer. :)

Oh, and from here and Instagram I am officially jealous of your weekend in Sedona. It looks like you guys had so much fun!

Connie Keller said...

Happy Lunar New Year! BTW, I love your new blog look.

XiXi said...

Errr your new blog layout is adorable.

Happy Lunar New Year. :)