
Name That Book Answers!

All righty, folks, 'tis time for the answers to last Friday's Name That Book: Stick Figure Edition.  Props to all  and thanks for playing!

 The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus, #2)

1. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)

2. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi


3. Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst

The Liar Society (The Liar Society, #1)

4. The Liar Society by Lisa & Laura Roecker

Tempest (Tempest, #1)

5. Tempest by Julie Cross

Seems like Shatter Me and Liar Society were the most identified this time around.  Liar Society does have a very bright/vivid cover so it's pretty recognizable, but I'm a bit surprised at Shatter Me being up there too.  Guess Juliette's swooshy dress and whooshy background and swishy hair and >: face come through even in a stick figure.

Have you read any of the above books or their sequels?  Got any recs?


Julie Dao said...

Okay, I love your rendition of the cover of Vessel.

Connie Keller said...

I haven't read any of the books. Actually, I started The Son of Neptune, but I never finished it. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

So cool!

Lydia Kang said...

More cartoons. Mooooreeee.

Katy Upperman said...

This was so much fun! I didn't do very well in the game last week because I've only read one of these (THE LIAR SOCIETY - I got that one!), so I definitely encourage you to let me redeem myself. :)

Aurora Smith said...

Those are all good books. My book cover is a drawing so that would be redundant!!

Wendy Lu said...

I have yet to read these books, but I've heard good things about Tempest and Shatter Me! The most recent book I read was "The English Patient" by Michael Ondaatje. It was one of the most pleasurable reading experiences!

Hope you're having a great weekend! :)

~Wendy Lu

The Red Angel Blog

Angela Brown said...

I haven't had a chance to read the books doodled here, but have been wanting to read Vessel for a while.