
Name That Book: Stick Figure Edition!

Happy Friday!  Hooray!  Hooray!  Krispy and I had nothing planned for today so you get another exciting edition of Name That Book, stick figure style!  Including gratuitous use of exclamation points!!!

1. Krispy and her sister and I loved this book because we love
the person on the cover, who is a bamf.
2. The sequel to this book is finally coming out this year.
Also this doodle is from the hardcover; the paperback was redesigned.

3. Krispy and I very much enjoyed this original fantasy.

4. The third book in this series is set to be released at the end of this year.

5. This book was about time travel. It had some interesting concepts
but became too complicated and confusing and violated
its own time travel rules for the sake of drama.
Guess away, peeps!  Props and unicorns to those who guess correctly.  Answers and maybe a real post with substance coming next week!

Previous Editions:
Name That Book!
Name That Book Again!


XiXi said...

Only got 1 (Son of Neptune) and 4 (The Liar Society), haha.

Connie Keller said...

I'm not very good at this. I was going to guess Gallagher Girls series for #4, but more than three of those have already been published.

In any case, I loved the drawings even without knowing what they were of. I'll be back later today to find out what books go with which drawings. Fun!

Golden Eagle said...

Um . . . I have no idea. I get the feeling I've seen that plaid skirt somewhere else, though.

linda said...

Whee, I knew all of them (except the first one)! (But even though I didn't KNOW the first one my educated guess was pretty spot-on. :P)

Awesome doodles as always! :D

Mia Hayson said...

I know:

2. Shatter Me
4. Liar Society
5. Tempest

But! Alas! Not the rest. 3 looks really cool though can't wait to know what it is. ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow. Love these!

Angela Brown said...

Yeah, seriously guessing here:
1. Son of Neptune (cause that reminds me of a Rick Riordan cover and so yeah lol!)
2. Shatter Me (hands on hips girl)
3. Looks pretty but not sure
4. Uhh..
5. Tempest

Lydia Kang said...

One is def Shatter Me and one is def Liars Society.