
Randomosity on Fridays: Manatee Takeover Edition

So!  January's practically over and Krispy and I had nothing planned for today's post and I had Thai tea with boba tonight and am blogging this late past midnight but never you mind. I thought I'd just show you in pictures what I was up to over the past couple of weeks.

1. Watched Ides of March with Krispy and her sister.  It was generally depressing but I did make this manatee while we were watching, so at least something fuzzy came out of it.

This is Fuzzy Leopardatee. He is Krispy's new love.
But her love is doomed.
Because she is tofu and I am spicy hot and the manatee is MINE.
(I neglected to mention in yesterday's post that I made all those manatees. Each individually handsewn and stuffed with love, polyfil, and the desire to overthrow the human race.)

2. The other week, Krispy and her sister found something at Target that they knew was meant for me.  When they gave this thing to me, I knew that my life had been but a meaningless span of clockwork measured only by the mundanity of timepieces chopping time into seconds, minutes, hours upon hours of empty bare existence and now, only now did I truly comprehend that my life was just beginning.

Stuffed with valentines and unicorn stickers!
It also makes a very good home for a very special someone who is dear to us.

3. I went to a beadshow earlier in the month and picked up some beads for $1 or $2 a strand.  Krispy can testify that I have a magpie/crowlike nature magnified a thousandfold when it comes to shinies.

4. Yesterday I read A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce.  It was all right.  There are a few good re-imaginings and interpretations of things, but the slow and steady pace combined with the fact that it is a fairly straightforward retelling made it kind of boring after a while since I knew exactly what was going to happen.  The mystery was also not very mysterious.  The writing was nice though and the author clearly did her research.  If you like fairytale retellings, you might want to check it out.

5. I did some writing, working on a couple of short stories and kicking around some ideas to see if they hold up to abuse.  So far they have, so it may be time to give them a break and let them recover and grow before having at them again.

The story contains no manatees.  For now.
So that's what I've been up to: Sewing, beading, reading, writing, and unicorns.  Not entirely in that order, but close enough.

And because I uploaded this picture with the intention of using it and got sidetracked, I'm-a just stick it here.

This is Sherlockatee.
And so January draws to a close! What have you accomplished this month?


Connie Keller said...

You made those manatees?! I'm so impressed. You named the new one "Barbara," right? Ha, ha, now you'll have that song running through your head all day. ;)

Lydia Kang said...

I have accomplished nothing in comparison to your manatees. You are really making them?

Can I commission a manatee? I promise it will be my bloggy writing buddy and I will take him/her with me whenever I write. I will dedicate a post to his/her most high dugongness and ultimate manatee excellence.


Angela Brown said...

I love your manatees!! They're all so adorable, huggable, loveable, wantable - wait, sorry, got carried away.

I can't say I've been as busy as you. I can see you SHALL take over the world with manatees. Consider me conquered because they're just too cute!!!

Golden Eagle said...

Wow. It's awesome that you made them!

I liked A Curse As Dark As Gold to an extent; but like you, I thought it got boring after a while.

Sophia Chang said...

omg the new manatees are amazing I must see them in person. We have to arrange the Avatar viewing soon

Julie Dao said...

OMG I want that unicorn mailbox! My existence has been meaningless until now! Your manatees are so awesome. I really want one now... and agreed on Curse As Dark As Gold - it was pretty boring IMO. Have a great weekend!

Emy Shin said...

SHERLOCKATEE! *makes grabby hands*

I remember liking A CURSE DARK AS GOLD -- the writing's very pretty, but I agree that the book's very slow pacing worked against it. I'm curious to check out the author's next series, STARCROSS, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your manatees :D
I didn't do much writing this month but I read a lot and worked on revisions.

Margo Kelly said...

Seriously - - impressive!!

My January? Oh my gosh?! Where'd it go? haha