HELLO lovelies. It is August and I have a FUN GIVEAWAY for all of you! This fun thing was so secret and spontaneous that not even Alz knew until I told her like last night.
Today, I have a tale of two sisters to tell.
There once were two sisters, KRISPY and KRUNCHY. In many ways, they were alike. They were both short. They dressed similarly. They generally liked the same music and movies and shows. Often, they were mistaken for twins, which they most definitely were not.
Of course, they were actually very different.
Krispy liked to laze about, having outgrown her enjoyment of strenuous physical activity somewhere around the 7th grade, whereas Krunchy was into the whole "exercise" thing and sports and mostly hung out with boys. Where Krunchy had a penchant for trashy reality TV and Nick/Disney shows, Krispy preferred the History Channel and crime dramas.
Krispy was always a bookworm. One lazy summer, she read every single Greek mythology book her library had to offer. Krunchy didn't read books unless it was for school or if there was going to be a movie version (of course, there were exceptions). Instead, she knew everything about everything in the state of Pop Culture.
Krispy could mostly be characterized as "nice," although the truth was she was just very chill and a conflict-avoider. Read up on the #9 Enneagram personality type and you have a blue print of how Krispy operates.
Krunchy could mostly be characterized as "mean" or "angry." Along with her pop culture tastes, she honed her wit and tongue to a fine and sharp point until Krispy started asking her "Why are you so mean???" and "Why are you so angry???"
But it turned out, they made a pretty good team. On a random afternoon, they came up with a ridiculous idea, involving READING and EXERCISE...but that is a tale for a different day.
On a secondary note, we also thought people would like FREE STUFF.
You see, Krunchy is the "cooler" sister.
When I was a college sophomore, I interned at a state mental hospital, where I had to pass through multiple-gated guard stations topped with barbed wire.
The sister just finished her 2nd year of college, and her summer internship is with a record label, where she gets swag and goes to concerts as part of her job.
Yeah, definitely cooler.
So what's this about a giveaway? Friends, my sister has some COOL new swag (stickers, posters, dog tags!), and well, just check out the vlog (the first EVER on this blog) below:
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