So in honor of that, I'm revising my Randomosity to include ice cream. I have had the distinct pleasure of being located around ice creamy deliciousness in the past few years, deliciousness which I will now share with you so that if you're ever in California, you'll know where to go. This, of course, also means there will be pictures of ice cream in this post. You have been warned.
1. Fosselman's Ice Cream Co.'s retail store, which is an old fashioned ice cream parlor/soda fountain, is located just a town or so over from me, but I had never gone there until like 2 years ago. The ice cream is handmade, fresh, and comes in 48 different flavors - some specialty and seasonal flavors. This is also a family-owned company, which is weird because my high school Vice Principal is a Fosselman.
In this picture, I think we had Chocolate-dipped strawberry, English toffee, Spumoni, Espresso coffee, Real Mango, and Fresh Peach.

Fun fact, Fenton's was featured in Pixar's UP. It's where Carl and Russel go for ice cream.
3. More ice cream good fortune happened while I was at Cal, the gourmet ice cream parlor Ici opened within walking distance. What's so special about Ici? Everything is handmade fresh daily from local and organic ingredients. They even hand-make their cones (chocolate-tipped and sprinkled with sugar), which I think I might enjoy more than the ice cream itself. Ici was opened by Mary Canales, formerly a pastry chef from the very delicious Chez Panisse restaurant (which itself is apparently known as "the birthplace of California cuisine"; went there for graduation and it was a good choice).
Here begins the BOOK half of this...
4. I finished reading The Adoration of Jenna Fox and wow! Though the premise was intriguing, it took a couple of reviews to convince me to put it on my library list. But I am SO GLAD I picked this book up. It was so good. Sure, there's the big questions about bioethics and man vs. nature/God and what is it to be human, but at it's core, the book is about a teenage girl trying to figure out who she is and what her place is in the world. It's about growing up and change and expectations and family and letting go. Out of all the YA books I've read so far since I went on my reading spree, this is one of the best. Yes, I liked it that much, but maybe I like existential questions.
5. I HAVE SAPPHIQUE! That did deserve ALL CAPS. You may recall I won an ARC from Steph Su Reads, and it arrived Monday and I ran around freaking out because it is gorgeous. I actually started reading it by Tuesday, but I didn't get too far, so I handed it off to Luce (since she is also super excited we don't have to wait until December to read it!). I hadn't finished Jenna Fox at that point anyway.
I'm reading The Demon's Covenant right now since the book is due soon and Luce has Sapphique. I am loving it. The snarky dialogue is a winner and was one of my favorite things about the first book.
(Special) 6. Avatar: The Legend of Korra, the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, was announced Wednesday as green-lighted and set to premiere in 2011. I am uber stoked about this! This time around, the Avatar is a teenage girl. One of the things I loved about the original series was that all the major girl characters were well-developed and strong in different ways. The new series takes place 70 years after the original series. There will be a steampunk city. Asian/Inuit fantasy world + steampunk + girl main character promises to be one EPIC WIN. So excited!!!
So yeah, it's been a long work week, but a great everything else week! What are you excited about? How will you be celebrating National Ice Cream Month? Have a fantabulous weekend!
P.S. I saw Inception this past weekend too. Do go see it/get your mind blown. (Actually, it's more mind-blowing after the fact when you start thinking about it too much.) Also, hot men in suits. Just sayin'.
Yum! I love ice cream!
Thanks for the recommendation of Jenna Fox. I've been wanting to read it, but it isn't available in ebook format.
Now that I have this nook, I find myself less and less inclined to pick up a paper book. Heresy, I know!
I do still read paper books in the bath, and I only have hardcover copies of Hunger Games and Catching Fire, so I may order Mockingjay in hardcover, too.
This was all the excuse I needed to eat ice cream today.
Thank you.
I have Jenna Fox of my TBR list. It's getting closer!
Mmmm I had no idea it was ice cream month! Cool!
You have sooo many places for good icecream.
I've got The adoration of Jenna Fox from the library - I'm really looking forward to reading it.
Something that could be similar is Meg Cabot's series...called Nikki or something? Runway? (I'm having a mind blank)
I love ice cream, and Inception rocked my world, not to mention that hunk Leo Dicaprio, oh man did he ever look good in a suit, and all the other hot guys, I'm with you there!!! Totally mind blowing!!! Yum for ice cream month!!
BTW love your blog and see we have a ton of blog buddies in common, hooray for a small world!
I love ice cream! And July, because that is the month of my birthday, and of course my birthday would be in an awesome month like National Ice Cream Month. Yessss.
I read Jenna Fox this summer too. Liked it very much. The premise was quite unique. I don't know how I felt about the ending, but it was definitely thought-provoking.
Tere- The Hunger Games books have been in my TBR pile forever, but I'm thinking of waiting until it's closer to Mockingjay release so I don't have to wait long. Haha.
Lydia- You never need an excuse to eat ice cream. ;)
Nayu- Can't wait to see what you think of Jenna Fox.
Jen- Welcome and yay blog friends! Saw Inception again this weekend. Still so good. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was my main suit man, but everyone looked so good.
XiXi- The fact that Ice Cream Month and your birthday month coincide is just more proof of your awesomeness. Clearly. :) Felt a bit iffy about the ending of Jenna Fox too. I would have liked another 50-100 pages.
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