1. I had my final 2 wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday. It took a grand total of 15 minutes to do it. The dental assistant asked me if I wanted to keep my teeth; I politely declined. You know, teeth LOOK LIKE teeth - like how they're drawn in those dental posters? That's really what they look like. Then I spent the rest of the day with a pack of frozen soy beans pressed to my face. But really, it's not that bad. Pain medication is my friend. The suckiest part is being hungry...like all the time. Liquid/soft diet isn't exactly filling, but at least I get to eat a lot of chocolate pudding?
2. Luce just finished reading Incarceron. I think we're both kind of in love with this book (or also just a certain Sapient). We CANNOT WAIT for Sapphique to be released in the US in December. No, really. We're entering every contest we can find that might get us a copy of Sapphique before December. We might crack and order a UK copy off Amazon.
3. I saw Toy Story 3 and cried. I very rarely cry at movies (or books), unless they're heartfelt stories involving dogs. I always cry at dog-related movie/book deaths. Always. I also really liked Pixar's short, Night & Day - cute, fun, and a really good message. Pixar, how are you so consistently awesome?! Oh and TOTORO is in it. I LOVE TOTORO! Cutest thing EVER.

Thanks, Lydia! Be sure to check out her blog, especially if you have burning medical-related questions. Her "Medical Mondays" feature is super helpful, and even if you don't have specific questions, you learn new and interesting things.
5. I'm thinking about starting a new blog - probably a Tumblr - for my lettering / calligraphy-related doodles. I appreciate really nice handwriting, and I'm intensely jealous of people from like the 1700s because it seems like they all had enviable handwriting. Anyway, I sort of got this idea after seeing Sandy Shin's penmanship meme where she linked to this really cool handwriting/calligraphy/lettering article.
One of the featured lettering pieces was this gorgeous M from an 1800s Lettering Sketchbook, and I thought OMG, why have I never thought to keep a lettering sketchbook?.
(Photo courtesy: http://www.flickr.com/photos
I do more of this random handwriting stuff than actual drawing, so it might be cool to have a place to gather all the fancy handwriting I do. Anyway, will keep you posted if the Tumblr happens. Right now, I'm just starting up my sketchbook.
What's up with all of you? Do you have any exciting things planned for the upcoming long weekend? Any book sequels you're itching to get your hands on? (I've got plenty besides Sapphique.)
Ooh, Incarceron sounds good, and you're about the 1 millionth person to tell me how good Toy Story 3 is.
I'm having a quiet weekend, doing one last read-through of my novel before I resub it to an agent.
Hope your jaw feels better soon!
Oh, you makes me really want to put INCARERON on the top of my reading list! You could try buying the UK version of SAPPHIQUE at The Book Depository -- it's currently out-of-stock, but you can check back periodically. It's free shipping. :)
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out once; I remember the hunger, too. Hope it'll heal soon.
toy story made you CRY?!!
*runs off to go see it*
have a fabulous weekend!!
OOOH! We chose INCARCERON for our book club this month. I can't wait to get started now!
I am in need of a new book to read...can't quite make up my mind on what. You know fantasy isn't really my cup of tea so do you have any recommendations that's not fantasy?
Tere- Thanks! Good luck w/the resub!!!
Sandy- Will check out Book Depository! Thanks! You had ALL 4 taken out at once?! That must've been...really inconvenient.
Tahereh- It did at the end! GO SEE IT!
LiLa- Yay! It's awesome! I hope you all love it as much as I did!
G- Uh, I've been reading a lot of YA (and fantasy), so I don't know if you're up for that. BUT non-paranormal/fantasy YA that I really liked was If I Stay. Kind of Lovely Bones-esque but way less creepy and depressing. Another YA literary I hear good things about is The Sky is Everywhere. Haven't read it yet, but it's in my library queue. LASTLY, I'm reading The Lost Books of the Odyssey, which isn't YA and isn't really fantasy, and I LOVE IT. It's short episodes from the Odyssey re-imagined or added, and the style is PERFECT.
Think I might check out Incareron. My wife cried while watching Toy Story 3. She tried to hide it from me because I usually make fun of her.
Chris- Yes, do check out Incarceron! Your wife isn't in the minority where Toy Story 3 is involved. :)
AHHH, my friend JUST recommended Incarceron to me. This makes two recs. Looks like I need to check it out!
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