"Currently..." updates will be every 2 weeks or so. Going to try to update on Tuesdays when Katy Upperman posts hers.
I found the Currently post at Kate Hart's blog, who got the idea from Amy Lukavics, who found it here. Please join in and link me in the comments if you do!
- Celebrating Star Wars Day aka May the Fourth (be with you)! My last post was actually an Outfit of the Day post featuring some of my favorite new Star Wars gear. Do check it out if you haven't yet!
- Captain America: Civil War! We were lucky enough to watch it a few days early because we won tickets from a local radio station to see it at IMAX HQ, which is pretty dang cool. (The Sister and I saw Age of Ultron here too.) Bet you can't guess whose team we're on. ;)
- Our second viewing of the movie was with some of our Comic Con Hall H line buddies and "Chris Evans." And all this fun stuff aside, yes, I loved the movie. They handled the large cast incredibly well, and I really liked how they handled the character arcs and themes.
- Brunching with my Founding ladies. I wish I had a catchier name for this, but here we are. I'm so lucky to have found my people so relatively early in life and to have kept them in my life.
- Brunching for birthdays - specifically for my Con Squad sister Jenn's birthday this past weekend. Obviously, it was a fun time but it was also cool to see how everyone knew everyone else. It's incredible to me that a year ago, Comic Con squad did not exist, and now look at us!
- Blackmilk Sample Sale haul. Sadly, Blackmilk has closed their Los Angeles location, but the bright side is they had a sample sale as a last hurrah and we bought all the things. I am most pleased with our LOTR and Harry Potter lucky finds! Map dresses! Daily Prophet legs!
- Yallwest goodies: I scored an ARC of Garth Nix's upcoming GOLDENHAND, which is a BIG DEAL to me because it is an actual sequel to his original Old Kingdom trilogy. I love the Old Kingdom books A LOT, and I can't wait to see where some of the characters are now!! And I didn't even think I'd have a chance at Victoria Schwab's THIS SAVAGE SONG ARC, but thanks to an amazing friend who also went to the fest, I NOW HAVE A COPY. *cue freak out*
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- The Night Manager: So much beautiful Tom Hiddleston.
- Game of Thrones: this season is exciting. I need more reunions and Tormund x Brienne, lol.
- TURN: it's the Benedict Arnold betrayal season and I love it.
- Writing a special blog post for a friend's project.
- NOLA - in about 2 weeks, I will going to New Orleans for the first time!!! So let me know if there's anything I MUST do and/or eat!
Beyoncé. I wouldn't call myself a member of the Beyhive, but that all changed when I saw her 2 weeks ago on her Formation World Tour. I can't even begin to explain the experience of being at her show because it was incredible, and I don't think I exaggerate when I say it was like a religious experience. I totally get why Queen B is the queen and why her fans are so intense about her. Yes, she's a consummate performer, talented and that beautiful in real life, but there was just something electric about the entire show.
I think I also found it strangely moving (I actually teared up at the show because I was so overwhelmed, and that is so not me) because it was such an empowering night. Like it was all about the strength of women and loving yourself.
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- Always, seeing online friends. The Yallwest book festival was actually perfect for that. I finally was able to meet Erin Bowman, who I've known a while on Twitter and who was the one who convinced me to read The Scorpio Races, which is one of my favorite books ever now. We also love Harry Potter, and she makes an amazing Luna Lovegood.
- The bonus, of course, was also meeting so many authors I admire and fangirl over, as well as Twitter/author friends. I had such a great time actually putting faces to Twitter handles and chatting and eating over-priced truffle fries. Oh, and I wore my Marauder's Map dress, which was the best decision because I don't think I've ever been complimented so much on it in my life.
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- Speaking of the serendipity of making friends on the interwebs... I was so lucky to be able to make Sarah Maas' signing earlier this month, mostly thanks to some help from Sarah, and she was as funny and delightful as she always is. The big surprise though was while I was starting to read A COURT OF MIST AND FURY, I was amazed and really touched to find myself in the acknowledgments.
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- My contributor's copy of THE 2016 RHYSLING AWARD anthology! My poem is in a book-shaped thing with so many, truly magical poems. I am so humbled and happy.
- My newest Jordandené tank, which is a collaboration between Jordan and Megan aka The Nerdy Girlie. Oh and if you want one of these for yourself OR even the Hamilton design which is back for a limited time (!), don't forget you can get 25% off through the end of May with my code: workwork!
Q4U: What's up with you?