What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!
Blue Lily, Lily Blue and I don't want it to eeeeend! I'm also finishing up Steal like an Artist.
Dabbling in some poetry, trying to get back to the verse story.
Messing around with other creative pursuits. Nerdvember has really allowed me to stretch my fashion sense (what little I have), and it's been really fun actually trying to *style* geeky tees and accessories. Some days are more successful than others, but still!
There were a bunch of November birthdays this past weekend, so I ate a lot of sweets. I've also started hoarding holiday gifts. Best to get the holiday shopping done when you can. Speaking of, I ordered a mug for my Sip Swap person yesterday. Hope they like it! And to you non-US peeps, you should totally organize a Sip Swap of your own. It's so fun and goodness knows you can never have too many cups! (Actually, you can. I have too many, but I love buying them!)
For later this week? I'm seeing BASTILLE (yay!) on Thursday and hopefully MOCKINGJAY PART 1 sometime this weekend. How is it already time for the Hunger Games again? How?!
I'm halfway through Nerdvember now! I'm pretty proud of myself. I've managed to come up with something geeky to wear every single day of November so far - and it's not just socks and T-Shirts! Here's hoping I can keep it up. I'll post all my outfits at the end of the month, but here's a few of my faves so far.
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And I'm still participating on and off with The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick's 5 Fandom Fridays if you're looking for something to read then or something to blog!
What's up with you?