
Randomosity on Fridays: Random Photos!

Short blog post before the weekend and also it's late as I type this because I just got back from seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier!! So onwards!

1) Captain America: The Winter Soldier may very well be my new favorite Marvel movie, which is kind of crazy considering how much I love Loki and all the weird fantasy-ish mythology-bending hijinks of the THOR franchise. And also considering that I thought the 1st Captain movie was just okay / a long prologue/trailer to The Avengers, it kind of says a lot about how much I liked this movie.

If you like action-y movies more in the flavor of a political thriller but with the added awesomeness of having ridiculous superhero powers (i.e. the action sequences are way more over the top than what you'd see in like a Bourne film...and considering that Captain America is like stronger & faster than your average badass), you'll probably like this movie.

Also, BLACK WIDOW. She needs and deserves a movie ASAP. Marvel, make it happen. Scarlett Johansson has said The Winter Soldier is partly a Black Widow movie, and it's true. The character goes through a lot and I loved the bonding time she has with Cap. (And the other ladies of the movie are badass too. So yay!)

Basically, Marvel has another hit on their hands here, and I'm looking forward to the far weirder Guardians of the Galaxy out later this year.

2) Happy book mail for me this week!

Won this beautiful Penguin Drop Caps collection book from Penguin Classics!
Received this signed copy of the gorgeous Nightingale's Nest!
3) We went to a gallery reception for the picture book Sparky! by Jenny Offill and illustrated by Chris Appelhans. Chris was there to sign, and he drew us a cute sloth!!

4) The Sister went on a Lego binge and we now have much to build.

[Photo: Sister]
The Sister's completed X-Wing Lego Microfighter.    [Photo: Sis]
5) The Sister visited her friend, who has a really cute, really fluffy dog!

[Photo: Sis]

HAPPY WEEKEND! If you see the movie, tell us what you think!


Connie Keller said...

I'm glad to hear that Capt. America movie is so good. My son is really looking forward to it.

I hope you enjoy Haroun and the Sea of Stories. It's one of my favorite books. (Just a warning--it starts a little slowly. But it's worth the wait.)

Lydia Kang said...

I've heard so many good reviews of Winter Soldier, and frankly, I was surprised because Chris Evans as CA never really did much for me. He had such lifeless eyes in his acting. So I'm happy to hear they did justice to the story. I had no intentions of seeing this, but now I want to. And yay, for Black Widow being a important part of the movie!