
2014: One Word Resolution

Hello dear readers and friends! Bit of a late start this year with the blogging, but I was making good over the holidays on my 2013 One Word Resolution: Present by being around for my friends and family and just soaking in the good vibes at the end of the year.

That said, it is now 2014! Happy New Year!

This also means it's time to pick a new word for 2014.

For those of you new to this concept, it's basically a New Year's Resolution compacted down into 1 word. That word is your guide, your attitude, your touchstone for the year, and from there, you can make more specific goals. I heard about this from blog friends, who had read about the One Word Resolution from Jessica Cora. I've linked her name to the post where she explains the concept.

So, my word for 2014 is...


I knew going into 2013 that things were going to be hectic on the personal side of life. I had two weddings for two of my oldest friends (I was a bridesmaid in one), and the Sister and I were planning on going to San Diego Comic-Con (which worked out after a lot of stress and angst). Those things pretty much guaranteed the first part of 2013 would speed by, so I chose PRESENT as my word. I wanted to enjoy all these amazing events, as well as anything else 2013 threw my way, and my word served me well. I had a fantastic year I think in large part due to this attitude.

For 2014, I'd like to be a bit more active with my energies. 2013 was about going with the flow (so as not to be overwhelmed), but I want 2014 to be about making things happen. For someone who is a chronic procrastinator and self-proclaimed lazy-face, I know it's easy for me to get distracted and discouraged. I want to have the focus to make better on my goals this year and to have focus be the reason for not getting overwhelmed.

Of course, I will be keeping my 2013 word near because being present is always helpful for balance. And I will also be keeping a few more things in mind.

The sister had this necklace custom-made for me for Christmas. She asked me to write her a word or phrase that inspired me or that I lived by or was my motto. I'm not one of those people who has these types of things in mind, so I had to think about it. The above is what I came up with because I was thinking about being present and living fully and bravely - things that I constantly struggle with (especially since I'm lazy and introverted and kind of shy- yes, really), and I thought if you're going to do something, you might as well do it spectacularly.

(Although, let's be real, I was tempted to use my favorite word/sometimes life-motto schneizeleffort.)

In relation to the necklace and to living bravely, I'm also reminded of this quote that I posted as part of a What's Up Wednesday post that I also find incredibly inspiring.

Ah, this was kind of a heavy post for the first one of 2014, but an important one I think. New year, new opportunities, new chances! What's your word for the year?

P.S. I found these One Word Resolutions inspiring too.
Katy Upperman: Stoicism
Erin Bowman: Focus (we're brain twins)
Sarah Enni: Create
Tracey Neithercott: Persistence


Laura S. said...

That's a great word for the new year. Mine is the same every year: courage. I struggle with being brave and taking risks. Maybe I need a new word because it never seems to help much!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Anonymous said...

Awesome word for the year! :D (Also that necklace is lovely)

I think my word is going to be 'passion' because I want to do a bunch of things I love without getting sidetracked and dragged down by doubts. (Maybe there's a better word to combine passion and courage and ambition?)

Happy New Year!

Lydia Kang said...

I need a word for this year. Going to think about it. (But I may borrow "focus" pretty often.)

Connie Keller said...

What a lovely necklace! Your sister is so thoughtful.

I haven't chosen a word for the year, but I'm always reminding myself to be brave. (I'm quiet and shy too.)

linda said...

yay, so glad you were able to follow through on your word for 2013, and best wishes for 2014! :) this year i also want to spend more effort on my goals, but by focusing on process more than progress. i want to spend my energy on building good habits/routines and maintaining them for the long haul, counting consistency as wins, and make achieving specific results a secondary concern. so far this year has been off to a pretty good start, so i'm hoping i can maintain it!