
2012 in Review: Part 2

Here's the rest of 2012 in links and pictures. I realized maybe we should've done this before 2013 came around, but we were on holiday!

Onward to August!


We participated in Camp NaNoWriMo again, this time with a MOST EXCELLENT cabin. It was called Tiger Tea Tent and it included Julie, Linda, Emy, Sophia, Krispy, and Alz!

Loki continued to be cute while increasing his size.

We (along with Sophia) attended the book signing for Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass.

The Sister and my besties piled into a car with me, and we
drove to Vegas for my 26th birthday. (OMG, 26!)

...where we exhibited our enviable dance skillz0rs.

Krispy discovered BOBA POPSICLES and freaked.

We posted our WIP Love Lists thanks to a prompt from YA Highway.


The Sister gave us a Fall Music Preview.

We did the currently... meme for the first time. It included Loki and Dalek cupcakes.

We showcased our favorite book-to-movie adaptations (the non-franchise ones). This was before Life of Pi came out, of course, though Krispy was looking forward to seeing the movie anyway. (It was excellent, in case you were wondering, and absolutely visually stunning. So happy about its Oscar noms!)

We introduced a Worldbuilding Wednesday Series and advised people to NOT BE LAZY, though we have more posts to write. We do, however, link to older posts about worldbuilding.


We were tagged by Caroline to do the Next Big Thing Meme/Survey. So we talked about our WIPs (different from the Love List WIPs)- Krispy's is an Asian-inspired fantasy about family curses and blessings; Alz's is an urban fantasy/murder mystery about a pragmatic, cynical protagonist & her starry-eyed, romantic-notioned love interest (or she would say, stalker).

Night 1: Hollywood Bowl
Krispy and her sister saw Jason Mraz, twice.

Night 2: Acoustic show at the Wiltern.

Krispy and her sister then flew off to Europe on a family vacation. Countries visited: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic

Germany: Frankfurt, Würzburg, Munich, Neuschwanstein Castle
Austria: Salzburg, Lake Wolfgang, Vienna
Slovenia: Ljubljana and Postojna Cave
Croatia: Plitvice Lakes (16 Lakes) National Park

Budapest, Hungary: Heroe's Square, Parliament, Matthias Church
Czech Republic: Prague
Germany: Berlin

Meanwhile, Alz took care of Loki, the Cute Overlord.

Alz also continued Worldbuilding Wednesdays with a discussion of foundation and the differences between acceptance, plausibility, and believability as shown in Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series.

Krispy returned before the end of the month and celebrated Halloween by dressing up as Taylor Swift & having boba with Sophia. Loki was a shark.


We voted.
Krispy went to Vegas again for a bestie's birthday.
This is Trip #3 for anyone keeping count.

Alz made a catalog of her doodle self-portraits.

We presented a Thanksgiving Book Feast and then made (and ate!) actual food.

We mini-reviewed two fairytale-inspired novels: Throne of Glass and Shadows on the Moon

Alz brought back Key Scenes Illustrated!


Alz took, for the first time at A Nudge, doodle requests and fulfilled them.

We took part again in the YA Superlative Blogfest! The categories were Head of Class, Popularity Contest, Elements of Fiction, and Best in Show.

SOURCE: bunnylake.tumblr.com
This book, although not YA, certainly made an impressive showing because 
it was so flipping good. Krispy cried; Alz cried on the inside...a little.

The last post of the year was a December recap in photos, including puppy playtime pics and Krispy's marvelous book tree!

Q4U: What are you looking forward to in 2013?


  1. 2013, for me, will hopefully be a year of more writing and promoting works I push out.

    I must say, 2012 for the Nudge seemed pretty exciting. Loved the Europe photos :-)

    And a quick bow to Loki, Cute Overlord hehe!

  2. Holy cow, those pictures from Europe are so beautiful!! Looks like 2012 was a good year for all of you :) One day we will meet and have boba and dance our faces off.

  3. So fun seeing the recap of your year. Can't wait to see what 2013 holds.

    BTW, the photos from Europe are amazing. I'm drooling!

  4. Those are gorgeous photographs of Europe!

    Sounds like you all had a great 2012. :)

  5. Ugh, that European vacation! Color. Me. JELLZ. (It's somewhere between chartreuse and pistachio.) Love this recap, thanks for sharing it!

  6. Ahhhhh your Europe photos are SOOOOO gorgeous!!!
