
Currently... (2)


Loving: My new-ish boots. My tiger flats! My various cute cups from which I drink delicious hot chocolate!

Watching: So many TV shows! The Sister and I finally watched DOWNTON ABBEY. We finished S1 in like 2 days (would've been 1 but we started late - like at 7 at night) and now must get our hands on the next season. It's as addictive as everyone says!

My S1 blu-ray DVDs of PUSHING DAISIES arrived too, so I've been making my sister and Alz watch that. They now see why I love it so much! Oh quirky, clever, adorable show! I miss you!

Lee Pace love! Also, it's still weird that he's Thranduil.

Reading: Dualed by Elsie Chapman and Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi [Krispy]. LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring by Tolkien [Alz]

Listening to: Justin Timberlake's long-awaited new single. Can't decide if I like it or not, but it's quite 90s R&B.

Thinking about: Going into the event planning business thanks to the beautiful bridal shower me & my fellow bridesmaids pulled off this weekend! (No, just kidding - doing this is way too stressful for a career...)

The Sister & I hand-made those flowers! (Except the baby's breath & sunflowers)

Anticipating: SHERLOCK SEASON 3 which seems like it may never happen because the stars are too busy Star Trekking and Hobbiting and OMG JUST GIVE US THE NEXT SEASON! It's only 3 episodes! *cries*

Wishing: For 3 day weekends EVERY WEEK. I mean, seriously! I think it's necessary to my health.

Making Me Happy: This is a no-brainer. LOKI!

Look at that pearly smile!
Q4U: What's happening with you currently? :)


  1. There's just too much to comment on here! :) I love Downton so much, and I also loved Pushing Daisies. That show should never have been cancelled. TV needs more quirky and fun shows.

  2. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO INTO EVENT PLANNING! The bridal shower photo looks awesome. :)

  3. Ughhhhhh I should do this meme. I'm stressed over past and present roommate issues that's running my brain like a hamster wheel. I REALLY need to transcend it all and just refocus and recenter.
