Ahem. Welcome, folks, to another of our Randomosity on Fridays--this time, Puppy Style! Because as you may or may not know, the Krispy and her sister adopted a puppy. This past week has been one of adventures and frolics and discipline and cuteness, and I am in the happy position of getting to play with the puppy without doing any real work. Hooray for friends who adopt puppies!
First things first though before puppy picspam: the ever wonderful Sophia featured Krispy and me in her A Day in the Life series. Twice the fun because there are two of us, complete with photos and doodles and tales of swashbuckling unicorn derring-do!
Second things second before puppy picspam: This is my new best friend who I found at Target while searching for an article of clothing with which to perpetuate an eyesore of a monstrosity upon the world if only I could find the proper type and color of garment to mutilate.
This pig is such a violent shade of pink that the iPad camera can't deal. Picture with Madatee who is mad because he always is and also doesn't like matching Piggy. |
Price check scan: $9.99.
Said the Alz, "THE PIG IS MINE."
And now, finally, what you've all been waiting for--PUPPERS! Meet Loki.
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Left: Bewildered in his new mommy's arms. Right: His face is sad: probably because this pic was taken right after he got unmanned at the vet's. |
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Left: Sitting and looking alert. And maybe thinking about eating rocks. Right: Forlorn because he's forbidden to go out. Or maybe just sleepy. |
He's so cute. Especially when he romps, or faceplants in the dirt because he's running too fast, or smacks into Krispy's legs because he hasn't yet figured out how to put on the brakes.
*dies* I WANT THAT PUPPY! If he's a German mix, he's going to be a big guy when he grows up, right?! I love big dogs. And that pig is absolutely a violent shade of pink. You guys are the best. Please say you'll take me out to bubble tea and stuffed animal shopping when we meet up one day?
Awwww! I'm dying of cuteness! I want to smoosh him!
AWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Oh my goodness he is so incredibly cute! :D
Oh. That is a very cute animal. Thanks for posting those pictures!
You did NOT call him Loki bahahahahahaha
So I noticed the furry dog of cuteness overload is called Loki. So should we refer to him as the Cuteness OverLord?
Let me Hmmmmmm on that one :-) I'd wonder how that came about but I have a sneaky suspicion I know...
Okay, back to the cuteness overload!! Absolutely adorable.
I love your puppy. Okay, I love puppies and dogs. (We have a black Lab, even though I'm allergic.)
I'm sure you know this, but just in case, remember to have bones ready for when he cuts his adult teeth--otherwise, he'll chew furniture, shoes, etc.
My daughter is coveting your pig--she's a huge fan of pigs.
He's adorable! Great pictures. :)
So....cute...going...into...cute coma....
OOOOOMG, he's so cute! Sooooo cute!
Congrats on your adoption! What a sweet little face. Love the name Loki for your fur baby! The little piggy is quite precious too. :D
Yay, more puppy pics! :D
Oh my god you got a puppy and you named him Loki and he is adorable and hufdajlka <3
Okay, I know we talked about this before, but what a doll that puppy is! I bet he gets away with everything when he turns that sweet face your way :)
The funny thing is, my daughter named her puppy Lucky but my husband calls him Loki because he's such a trouble maker!
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