
Randomosity on Fridays: TV/Movies We're Excited About!

It's that most happy of weekdays again, Friday! It's predicted to rain all weekend hereabouts, which means it'll be a great time for me to catch up on reading, writing, and my 50/50 challenge!

In the mean time, I'm RIDIC excited for the following 5 things!

1. Game of Thrones Season 2 starts in April! SO EXCITED. I'm endeavoring to get Alz caught up before it starts, but I probably made a misstep when I got her hooked on an older HBO show, ROME. Game of Thrones S2 trailer below; it goes without saying, beware possible spoilers.

2. The air date for THE LEGEND OF KORRA, a sequel series of sorts to Avatar: The Last Airbender, was FINALLY announced! Totally badass woman of color fighting crime in an Asian influenced steampunk-esque metropolis? YES PLEASE.

This gif is relevant to how I feel (appropriately from the original Avatar: The Last Airbender):

Check out Korra Nation for the trailer, and help possibly move the premiere air date from APRIL 14th to MARCH 24th!

3. Speaking of kickass women, we're also RIDIC excited for Pixar's BRAVE. Summer can't come soon enough!

4. Oh, and we can't forget THE AVENGERS movie out in May. Not gonna lie, we're mostly excited to see more of our favorite trickster, Loki!

5. AND this needs no introduction, but of course, we couldn't help but get a little swept up in all the hype for this little movie, opening this coming week.

So, what upcoming shows/movies are YOU excited for?

P.S. Also, I've started a new Tumblr with two of my high school friends. It's called CUPS AHOY! We're sharing our love of cups and mugs, and if you love them too, we hope you stop by! :)


Julie Dao said...

YES to Brave! I cannot wait to see that movie. I love Pixar and all of the beautiful stories they come up with, and I'm sure this one will be just as amazing as Up and Monsters Inc and all of their classics. I'm so pumped for the Hunger Games - my friends and I already have tickets for next Friday! Woo-hoo!

Ariana Ferrone said...


Seriously, this is an amazing year for TV and movies.

Emy Shin said...

I am even more excited for The Avengers than I am for Hunger Games -- and that's really saying something. And oh gosh YES BRAVE. The trailer hooked me instantly.

Connie Keller said...

Brave looks great!

And I can't wait for The Hunger Games!!

Golden Eagle said...

I am so looking forward to Brave.

Anonymous said...

These all look awesome. I hope to catch some of these movies and shows.

Thanks for sharing these. Have a great weekend.

Sophia Chang said...

I don't know if I can get HBO for April so you realize you're going to my S2 source right?

Theresa Milstein said...

I want to know what Brave is all about. That looks interesting.

By the way, I like your new profile picture.

Happy week!

Anonymous said...

Nice list!!!!

Juliana L. Brandt said...

Such a great list! Thought I haven't decided yet if I'll go see Hunger Games...it might have to be a RedBox movie for me. Be sure to let me know how it is!

Sherrie Petersen said...

My son and I have tickets for the midnight showing of Hunger Games. Can't wait! And I do love Loki ;P