
What's Up Wednesday (49)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!

BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE of course! My finished copy still hasn't shipped/arrived at my house yet, so I'm even more grateful I have my e-ARC. I managed to squeeze some reading time into my vacation time, but I've still got a little over half of the book to go.

Guys, I LOVE this book world so much. The characters and the effortless kind of magic is just...I have no words. This book is filling me with FEELS to bursting!

Nothing beyond a few lines here and there that pop into my head. I was on vacation!

I'm a big fan of taking breaks. Vacation was great for that, and it was also great for kind of letting ideas stew in my head. Also, since I was traveling for vacation, the new sights and sounds proved to be very inspirational. :)

I was in Italy! For those of you who follow me on instagram (akangaru) or Twitter (@kangaru), sorry for the massive pic-spam. There was so much beauty to share (and I wanted my location tags!). I returned to California on Saturday night, and I'm now back at work and trying not to drown under the weight of the things I have to do.

But for now, let me relive and share some of the Italian magic of the last 2.5 weeks. It was glorious!











ROME again

We ate a lot of pasta and gelato. We saw incredible works of art - I mean, Michaelangelo's David is just breathtaking, while Bernini's David (the Sister's favorite & she calls it "Hot David") is indeed very hot (he's the statue in this last Rome pic set); we saw Da Vinci's The Last Supper with our own eyeballs!! We shopped - new shoes were acquired. We were steeped in history - ancient ruins and old cathedrals! We saw the plaster-cast remains of a dog that died in Pompeii and where Julius Caesar was assassinated and so many tombs and relics of saints. Oh and Venice? Straight up magical, ridiculously gorgeous - as were so many other places like medieval Assisi and Siena. Capri- I've never seen water so naturally blue (e.g. the Blue Grotto in the bottom row of that pic-set).

I might post a better recap of the trip at some point, but there was A LOT and I miss it already!

That aside, I can't believe it's already Halloween! I'm still deciding on a costume but may just end up recycling my casual cosplay Wonder Woman from Comic Con. What are you going to be?

What's up with you?


Miss Cole said...

Looks like an amazing trip and so inspirational :D Hope the jetlag isn't too bad!

Laura S. said...

Your photos look aaamaaazing, Krispy. Italy is definitely somewhere I'd love to visit! Thanks for sharing your pictures. Happy Halloween!!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

ELAdams said...

Amazing photos! I love Italy - I've been there every summer for the past three years! I stayed in Sorrento the first time, and it was awesome. ^_^ Hope you have a great week!

Rachel said...

LOOOVE the pictures. Boy you are making me jealous of your travels. Vacation is a great reason to not be writing :) Have a great week!

Jess @ Jessticulates said...

I'm so jealous of you right now! I'd love to go to Italy - it looks like you had a wonderful time! :D

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

gorgeous pics! so jealous!! I just finished a book about Italy and the food and gelato sounded decadent...must go!

Katy Upperman said...

Oh my goodness... Your pictures are so, so beautiful! I want to go to Italy right this minute! It's my first choice country to visit when we (hopefully!) make it to Europe! I can't wait to start BLLB. I must finish the Stephen King novel I'm reading first, and then I'm diving in. So happy to hear that you're loving it. Have a great week, lady!

Tonja Drecker said...

Wow! You covered a ton of ground! Thanks for sharing the pictures - gorgeous. And now, you have me missing the food over there. So yummy!

Carrie-Anne said...

Those pictures are gorgeous! I'd love to go to Italy someday.

Julie Dao said...

*dies of the jeal* These photos are GORGEOUS. Gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe them, actually! Hope you are recovering nicely from the trip <3

prerna pickett said...

gorgeous pics! So jealous! Taking breaks is huge for me too, I need to recharge every now and then. can't wait to dive into my copy of Blue Lily Lily Blue!

Melanie Stanford said...

Ahhh, so jealous of your trip. My brother also just took a trip to Italy and his and your pics are both so amazing.