
2012 in Review: Part 1

This is our 2012 in review - in pictures and links to blog posts.


We made some New Year's resolutions that are now kind of hilarious in hindsight- particularly Krispy's resolution to "get off the fatty-train." As her Sister says, "The fatty train never stopped rollin'!"

Krispy finally explained her favorite fake-word: schneizeleffort.

Alz releases manatees upon the unsuspecting blogosphere.


Krispy did an impromptu blog hop hosted by Juliana Brandt that challenged participants to write a scene using only dialogue & in Twitter format. Krispy won too!

Krispy saw THE WANTED at the El Rey, the theater where her sister works.


We developed a CHOOSE YOUR OWN DYSTOPIA/ DYSTOPIAN WORLD-BUILDER and we came up with...


Krispy attended a friend's birthday slumber party. Yep, we're mature.


Alz wrote a Prologue for THE LAST MANATEE.

Krispy hardcore reviewed the Hunger Games movie with positives and negatives.

Alz, Krispy, and Sophia met a bunch of YA authors at the Spring into the Future book tour!


We celebrated Asian American/ Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which included a featured AAPI artist and a guest post from Caroline!

Also, we freaked out over The Avengers!
Leading up to the movie, we could only say, ASSEMBLE FASTER!

Oh, and Krispy and her sister adopted LOKI!


Krispy and her sister went to Disneyland a lot.

Krispy reflected on one of her literary idols, the incomparable Ray Bradbury.

The Sister graduated from UCLA!

We reviewed our first 5 star book of 2012: SERAPHINA

Alz talked about Collaborative Novels, and we revealed a little about our own collaborative WIP when we talked storyboards & Pinterest.


Krispy and her sister taught Loki to swim.

The Sister recommended some summer music.

Alz bravely delved into 50 SHADES OF GREY & it produced some of the BEST DOODLES EVER.

We talked shop with a Worldbuilding Wednesday!

Krispy and her sister went on the first of many Las Vegas trips this year.

PART 2 of 2012 in Review next week!

Q4U: What were some memorable moments of your past year?


  1. Sounds like 2012 was a great year for you guys :) I've never been to Las Vegas!

  2. It has been a good year for you guys! Loki is so adorable, I've loved seeing pictures of that cutie. Happy New Years! Long live stuffed manatees!

  3. What an awesome year! Read the Schneizeleffort post---dying. Also BOTH Lokis in this post were adorbs. Happy 2013!!

  4. I love the Loki photos. Keep 'em coming.

  5. oooh that's a good bday idea, esp. as we get older
    I might do that next year!

  6. awww, baby loki is SOOO CUTE! mochi was way cuter when he first arrived, too :P

  7. Love The Last Manatee. Is there going to be a sequel??? ;)
