
Randomosity on Fridays: What to Read?

As usual, I am super behind in NaNo, which makes for short blog posts.

So today's Randomosity is a POLL of books. As in, what book should I read next?!

You see, I have just finished reading Scott Westerfeld's GOLIATH and before that Rick Riordan's SON OF NEPTUNE. Both of these were sequels that I have been long anticipating. They've more or less succeeded in knocking me out of my reading funk & I have to catch up on my reading goal for this year. Goodreads says I'm 10 books behind at my current rate!

Here is a list of books that I currently have in my possession that I've been wanting to read. Please tell me in the comments what I should read next.

The Broken Kingdoms
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
The Fox Inheritance
Why We Broke Up
The Night Circus
Dust City
Imaginary Girls
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Thank you in advance for your input! If there are other books you really really liked that aren't on my list, please do suggest those!

For my fellow U.S. folks, Happy Veterans Day! (I hope you got the day off because I didn't.) Happy Armistice Day! And Happy Binary Day! 11/11/11!

P.S. I want to wish the lovely ali cross a HAPPY BOOK RELEASE DAY! To learn more about her book, BECOME, check out her website! Her blog tour will be stopping by here on Wednesday, 11/16!

P.P.S. Also ALZ has a birthday this month! So I'd like to say an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D


Emy Shin said...

I haven't read any of those books, so cannot give recommendations -- but I'm so looking forward to reading THE NIGHT CIRCUS soon. :)

And Happy Early Birthday to Alz!

Lori M. Lee said...

Ooh, I'm also looking forward to reading THE NIGHT CIRCUS. Let us know how that goes :D

And happy early birthday to Alz as well!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I loved The Night Circus, so another vote for that one!

Connie Keller said...

Sorry, I can't help. I haven't read those books either. But I've heard great things about The Night Circus.

Happy Birthday to Alz!

Sophia Chang said...

Are you kidding? After all our Peregrine drama? of COURSE you have to read the book that I tried to give you that you already bought that I ended up loving so much that I wrote this review just because of you all you.

shelly said...

I'm behind my behind. And, I've been reading a novel now for almost two months. My Kindle says I'm at 78%...it's really a very good ook but life crap keeps getting in the way.

Ariana Ferrone said...

You MUST MUST MUST read Deathless. I haven't enjoyed reading a book so much since.

Lydia Kang said...

Good list! I totally want to pick your brain about a few of these. Any reviews coming down the pipe then?

Golden Eagle said...

FIRE! I adore that book. Or Chime--that book's great, too. :)

Happy early Birthday to Alz!

Unknown said...

So many good books!!! I loved DEATHLESS, THE NIGHT CIRCUS, and THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER, so I'd start with one of those three :)

Julie Dao said...

"Miss Peregrine's Home" is also on my list!! Looks like you're keeping busy with the reading - good for you :) I'm still trudging through Outlander but hope to finish it over Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

These look so good. I suggest a tie between The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and Imaginary Girls. But that's just me--I love dark and disturbing.

Happy early birthday, Alz.

Tere Kirkland said...

I know I'm late on this post, but I really liked Fire, much more than Graceling. I've been curious about Peregrine and The Night Circus, so I'd love to hear your reviews if you read them.

And happy pending anniversary of your birth, Alz!