
RSW 2015: Week 6 & 7

Ready.Set.Write! is a summer writing intensive hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Jaime Morrow. Click the banner or the link previous for more information on the intensive.

We're checking in every Monday, and the link-up will be on the host blogs.

Technically, I will be talking about the last update I missed (covering the week of SDCC) and this past week.

1. How I did on last week’s goals

  • Write for 15 min every day. Terrible! 1 day since SDCC happened until now.
  • Start next beta read. Not yet.
  • Finish up SDCC-related crafting. Finished!
  • Go to the gym/exercise at least 2 times a week. Nope.
  • Get more sleep. Somewhat better but SDCC has left me so exhausted.

2. My goal(s) for this week
  • Write for at least 15 min every day.
  • Start next beta read.
  • Sleep more.
  • Gym/exercise at least 2 times a week.

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

Not much. I managed to write a little bit Sunday, but ever since Comic Con, I have been struggling just to stay awake at work. Con hangover to the max. I should be able to get back into the groove this week. Fingers crossed!

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write)

Energy. Comic Con was fun but super exhausting, and then my work week back from con was extremely busy. So it's been difficult to find the energy to do anything other than the bare minimum.

5. Something I love about my WiP

The concept still intrigues me, which is why I can't let it go!

How did you do with your goals this week?

P.S. A currently update will be up soon with a brief SDCC recap! Hope you'll join the fun!


  1. Don't worry about your goals, your work and SDCC hangover sound a lot more pressing! But if you had fun, that makes it all worth it. :D (Plus, I swear most cons count as exercise in their own right...)

    Good luck with this week, I hope you're feeling better and work settles down for you. :)

  2. Oh how fun! You went to SDCC! Wishing you lots of luck and sending motivation your way this week to get those 15 min in every day!

  3. I think it's totally fine you didn't achieve all the goals. You were at SDCC and that alone is many a person's goal. Good luck this week. Hopefully you will get tons of sleep!

  4. You were swamped but that is okay. You can start fresh this week. Good luck!

  5. I will definitely tune in for a SDCC recap! I love seeing all your pics on IG. I show them to my daughter and she gets equal parts excited and jealous. It is her life-long goal to go to Comic Con and Vid Con some day. :)

    Get some sleep! And have a great week!

  6. I'm pretty sure I'd need a month to recover from SDCC, so I'm impressed that you've been at all productive since. Hope you get a chance to rest up, but then you MUST get to work on your WiP because (selfishly) I want to read it!

  7. Can't wait to hear about your trip to comic con! You always share the best pictures!
    I've been having a hard time with any exercise this summer, but I'm sorta letting myself off the hook with all the outdoor walking I've been doing.
    Hope you have a great week!

  8. I followed all the Comic Con fun on Twitter, so I can see why it left you wiped out! Exhaustion aside, I'm envious of all the fun you had. Hope you catch up on rest this week!

  9. Most conventions take their toll on us. Don't worry... you'll recover and you'll have all those great memories to treasure. Maybe you just need a day or two of less caffeine and a nap? (I've done that and it can work if the stars are in perfect alignment. ;-) )

    Here's to a better week.

  10. It's definitely okay to take a much-needed break! Hope this week is easier on you :)

  11. Girl, SDCC would wipe me out for a year!!! So the whole exhaustion thing -- I think you get a pass on that one. And hey, one day of writing beats zero days :)

  12. Conventions are marathons...and they fill you up and wear you out. I say, relax and recover and absorb. My guess is that once you get your bearings and your mojo back, you'll have all KINDS of writing ideas!
