
RSW 2015: Week 8

Ready.Set.Write! is a summer writing intensive hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Jaime Morrow. Click the banner or the link previous for more information on the intensive.

We're checking in every Monday, and the link-up will be on the host blogs.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
  • Write for 15 min every day. 3 out of 7 days.
  • Start next beta read. Yes! Read a couple chapters.
  • Go to the gym/exercise at least 2 times a week. Went swimming this weekend, so yay?
  • Get more sleep. 50/50 - had a looooong work week, so even if I did sleep more, it didn't feel like it. ;_;

2. My goal(s) for this week
  • Write for at least 15 min every day.
  • Read 3 chapters of beta read.
  • Sleep more.
  • Gym/exercise at least 2 times a week.

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

"Summer, salt-sweet." This is actually not from my WIP, but I managed to squeeze out a little micro-poem last Friday just as a creative exercise. That's the title of the poem and not an actual line that appears, but I love the way it sounds. If you're curious, the whole poem is posted at Girl on the Roam - Summer, salt-sweet.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write)

As usual, motivation and energy were my biggest challenges. Last week at work was really rough, lots of late nights, so it was definitely hard to get anything else done after hours.

5. Something I love about my WiP

Playing with fairy tale tropes and trying to rework and remix them.

How did you do with your goals this week?

P.S. The SDCC "currently" recap was supposed to go up last week but ran into some technical issues. Hope to have it up tomorrow!


  1. Love "Summer salt-sweet"! And I love the poem too. Also, I know I sound like a song on repeat, but any progress is progress and yay for the progress you made! I will keep an eye out for this SDCC recap! Excited to hear all about it!

  2. Love that you're playing with fairy tale tropes, Alice. I sincerely hope to read this MS one day soon! And now, I'm jumping over to Girl on the Roam to read Summer, Salt-Sweet (love that title!). Have a great week, lady!

  3. All progress is progress, and nothing to cough at during busy weeks. Heading over to Summer, Salt-Sweet now :)

  4. Beautiful poem! Love the imagery and the title. Good luck on your goals this week! One of the things I love about RSW is that when you don't manage to do everything you want to, you get to start over fresh the next week. I know life is always like that, but it feels better to see it all in writing, you know?

  5. LOVE the poem! I need to remember sometimes it helps creativity to try other mediums/art forms some times. Good luck this week.

  6. Sleeping more is a goal that we should ALL work to accomplish. Good luck with your goals this week :) BTW, the line from your poem is amazing.

  7. Gorgeous poem and pictures! Loved the imagery. Hope you have a productive week! :)

  8. "Summer, salt-sweet" conjures up so many images in so few words. Love it!
    Hope you have a better week, time-wise. I can't imagine juggling work with writing. I have a hard enough time with kids. ;)

  9. Amazing poem! I suck at poetry and am always amazed by those who are able to do so well with it. I hope you get more sleep this week, it definitely makes it easier to achieve other goals when you're well rested!

  10. Love that imagery! I need to add "sleep" to my list, too. Best of luck with your goals this week!

  11. Ooo, I love your poem! It makes me want to visit the inspiration for it. :-) And I also love the whole playing with fairy tale tropes. I've always wanted to do some kind of fairy tale retelling or to use the Aarne-Thompson Fairy Tale Types list and just sort of toss a bunch of them together and come up with my own fairy tale. There's just something about them, isn't there? I don't think we ever outgrow them. Awesome job getting in three days of writing this past week! Hope the words are flowing again this week!

  12. I love the poem and the pictures of Capri. Beautiful. Looking forward to your SDCC post :)

    Here's my belated RSW post
