
5 Fandom Friday (21)

(New Graphic by Darling Stewie)

5 Fandom Friday is a geek-blogger community building project started and hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick. Every Friday, post a top 5 list based on a predetermined topic that can be found on this master post - you can also find more info on the project there. Participate as frequently or infrequently as you like, and if a topic doesn't especially appeal to you, feel free to put your own twist on it.

Also, tweet at @superspacechick or @thenerdygirlie on Friday with your post (and they'll RT) and use the #Fandom5 hashtag so we can all connect!

This week's theme: Five Things You Own That You Got At Cons

I changed this week's theme a tiny bit to include anything I've gotten at a con - even if it was free. I won't be including *memories* though because obviously, that's the best thing you take away from a convention. ;) Perfect timing for this topic because Comic Con was just last week!

1) Signed Hannibal DVD sleeve

This was my first signing, and how wonderful it was with the cast of a show I absolutely love. Bryan Fuller is such an inspiration and delight!

2) Tiny Ant-Man / The Force Awakens Stormtrooper

This is kind of a 2-fer, but I had to suffer through the same crazy HASBRO line for this, and I love them both. These are pretty sweet buys from SDCC this year, and I treasure them.

3) Wattpad Cards against Fanfiction

There's a lot of cool, free stuff you can get at Comic Con, but I think this fandom-themed set of Cards Against Humanity from Wattpad that I got at Geeks Go Glam might take the cake. These are so unique and hilarious.

4) Books signed by Peter S. Beagle

Last year, one of the highlights of my SDCC was finding Peter S. Beagle's booth in the Artists' Alley. The Last Unicorn is one of my forever favorite books, and being able to talk with him and get signed books was such an incredible experience for me.

5) Lightsaber + Star Wars guest lanyard

I was lucky enough to get into Hall H this year for the Star Wars panel, and so I was also able to go to the Star Wars fan concert. The lanyard they gave us plus the lightsabers will forever remind me of this magical time. :)

Of course, I also really love the free photo booths at cons and all the memories I make with my new and old friends.

What are you favorite things you've gotten from conventions?

P.S. ANT-MAN is out today, and Tony (aka Crazy4ComicCon) was kind enough to invite me to podcast review the movie last night with the boys of TOTL podcast. Would love if you checked it out! ANT-MAN REVIEW.

P.P.S. I need to post this to the Female Geek Bloggers group still, but I have a new blog: GIRL ON THE ROAM! This one will still be active, but the other one will be more geek and travel focused (e.g. longer SDCC recaps will be over there). Hope you'll take a look!


  1. I can't with that tiny Ant-Man! What a cool purchase!

  2. You got into the Hasbro both while those items where in stock? I cry! The Stormtrooper was the one thing I couldn't grab! And I regret not trying for Hall H. Oh well. You got some great con items! Love it.

  3. So jealous that you got to see the Star Wars panel and concert!

  4. That tiny Ant Man is wicked!!! And those CAH look hilarious!!!

  5. Dawww :3 Tiny Ant-man <3 So cute! Also, the rest of the list is great!
