
RSW 2015: Week 5

Ready.Set.Write! is a summer writing intensive hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Jaime Morrow. Click the banner or the link previous for more information on the intensive.

We're checking in every Monday, and the link-up will be on the host blogs. This is the first week of updates!

1. How I did on last week’s goals

  • Write for 15 min every day. Worst week yet. I think I did maybe 2 out of 7.
  • Start next beta read. Not yet.
  • Finish up SDCC-related crafting. Did not finish but did work on it. Must finish by Wednesday.
  • Go to the gym/exercise at least 2 times a week. Yes!
  • Get more sleep. Somewhat better. Have managed to get to bed earlier 3x this week.

2. My goal(s) for this week
  • Write for at least 15 min every day before heading out to SDCC.
  • Start next beta read (probably while waiting in line).
  • Get enough sleep to function for Comic Con!!

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

Squeezed in - my focus was missing most of last week because of upcoming SDCC preparation and this past long weekend festivities. The writing I managed was squeezed into the spare moments I had and whenever inspiration struck.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write)

Time! So much going on that I've been pressed to find time to just relax.

5. Something I love about my WiP

The characters are still surprising me, which is great because I always get more motivated when I learn something new about them.

How did you do with your goals this week?


  1. SDCC sounds like so much fun! :)
    You can do the 15 minutes a day, I know you can :) I'll be cheering you on :)
    Hope you have a wonderful time!

  2. Have so much fun at SDCC!!! I can relate to feeling squeezed (LIKE AN ORANGE IN A JUICER, BABY) but every single writing minute counts so I think it's awesome you got a few days in. Good luck with your goals this week!

  3. You do have a lot going on! And exciting stuff too! But any progress is progress and so go you for getting some writing in despite the busyness! Can't wait to hear all about SDCC! Have so much fun!

  4. You're always so busy, lady! I think it's amazing that you're able to fit in any writing at all. Have so much fun at SDCC (pictures, please!) and good luck squeezing in those new words. :-)

  5. Have fun at SDCC (and pics, please!) Big yay to getting at least a little writing done. It's almost impossible to squeeze words in when so much other stuff is bubbling up around us.

  6. Enjoy SDCC! Sounds like you're busy, but you're still making progress! :)

  7. Hope you have fun at SDCC! 15 min/day sounds like a reasonable goal--cheering you on! :)

  8. I think my brain would be mush too what with a holiday weekend and SDCC prep. I'm impressed you got any writing in this week! Just keep plugging along though, right? (That's what I keep telling myself anyway.) Hope this is a great week for you, Alice. And that SDCC isn't too distracting. ;-)

  9. I hear you on having trouble focusing. It's been like that for me a lot lately too. And seriously, if I was getting ready to go to SDCC, I think I'd be too giddy & excited to get anything done at all. Hope you have an awesome time and come back with loads of inspiration for writing!

  10. Have fun at SDCC!! :) I think you have plenty of good excuses for falling a little behind. Good luck on your goals this week!

  11. You are so busy! But I kind of like it because I'm selfish and love all of your Instagram pics. Have so much fun at SDCC!!

  12. So jealous of you for SDCC! Also--sleep is so underrated. I love that it's one of your goals :)

  13. Sometimes squeezing it in is the only way to get anything done, but you still did it! Have fun at Comic Con! SO jealous. You'll have to share some pics.
