
What's Up Wednesday (51)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!

Haven't had much time to read since work has been busy and I think I'm either getting sick or having a really bad allergy attack. Augh. So, this means I'm still reading BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE.

But it's okay too because the book is great and I dread having to wait for the next book. That said, I do have to mention that my pre-ordered, signed copy has still not arrived! This is mostly thanks to a freak postal service accident involving the books that has the indie bookstore in Virginia scrambling to catch-up. I found out today that another freak postal mistake had my order delivered somewhere else! The store is fixing the issue, but that is the status of the order.

Still nothing. I'm the worst! :(

Trying not to stress too much? Get more sleep? Being healthy!


I finally caught Jessica Love and Kelsey Macke's annual Sip Swap exchange! I miss this mug-based Secret Santa every year, so I'm glad I caught sign-ups this time. Unfortunately, it's limited to the continental US and sign-ups are already closed, but keep an eye out for it next year if you're interested!

Also, Nerdvember is going strong! It's been fun thinking of how to incorporate geek into my daily wardrobe.

What's up with you?


  1. Nerdvember sounds like such an awesome idea ^_^

    Aw, we always miss out on SipSwap. It's no good, I shall have to arrange a UK only one asap :P

  2. Nerdvember sounds amazing! Freak postal mistakes are the worst. Why do they always happen with packages we can't wait to get and never when we're expecting new socks from Aunt Myrtle? Hope your book arrives soon :)

  3. Nerdvember sounds fun! Good luck with the postal stuff, I hope you get your book soon!

  4. Yay for SipSwap. I do it every year but decided to pass this year…I still haven't used my last year SipSwap mug :P Nerdvember sounds so fun. Ugh sorry about the post stuff, hope it comes soon.

  5. That mug swip-swap sounds fun - never heard of it. But by next year, I'll probably forget all about it again :(. So irritating with the post. Hope they get it worked out soon, so you can cuddle those pages.

  6. It always bums me out that I can't take part in the Sip Swap. Such a fun idea. Like Cole said, I might have to organize my own Sip Swap for the rest of us lol. I got my copy of BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE, but I still haven't started it. I'm kind of stuck on a different book right now that it's taking me forever to get into. I'm just too stubborn to DNF it. Have a great week, Alice! :D

  7. Freak postal mistakes are too bad! I'm glad you've found a way to read your book anyway. Nerdvember is a fantastic idea.

  8. I hope you get your book soon. And Nerdvember sounds fun! Have a great week!

  9. I loved BL,LB. Totally lived up to my expectations, but I am SO anxious about how everything's going to wrap up in the final book. Oh, Gansey. <3

    Yay for Sip Swap! I'm participating too, and I'm totally excited about buying for my secret partner. Such a fun idea! Have an awesome week, Alice!
