
5 Fandom Friday (4)

5 Fandom Friday is a geek-blogger community building project started and hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick. Every Friday, post a top 5 list based on a predetermined topic that can be found on this master post - you can also find more info on the project there. Participate as frequently or infrequently as you like, and if a topic doesn't especially appeal to you, feel free to put your own twist on it.

This week's theme: Smart Phone Apps I Cannot Live Without

1. Twitter / Hootsuite

This was my first choice because it's where I spend a lot of my online time. It's where I chat with my friends, post updates, and get my news. I've also met so many fun people thanks to Twitter. Some of the best conversations happen on Twitter.

I actually use the actual Twitter app a lot now because my Hootsuite was glitchy for a while - but while I used Hootsuite, it was great because it helped organize timelines and you could schedule tweets.

2. Instagram

I love taking photos and seeing people's photos. So Instagram had to be on this list. Love that it's personal, artsy, and social. I'm currently participating in Set To Stunning's Nerdvember challenge, so that's what's filling up my feed recently.

A Doctor Who Rose Tyler-inspired outfit.
A Star Wars Han Solo-inspired outfit.

3. Vscocam
Better for photo-editing than Instagram is, especially if all you want to do is touch a photo up a little. Plus, it has way more choices when it comes to filters.

4. Google Maps
I'm not sure if this counted, but basically this is a life-saver while traveling in an unfamiliar place. Navigating new cities or just getting to a new local restaurant is a lot less stressful when you can just look it up.

5. Podcasts
I only recently got into listening to podcasts - partly because I was participated in one (a review of the 13th Doctor's first episode), mostly because a friend started a great one about writers (First Draft with Sarah Enni).

But now my Podcasts app is ESSENTIAL because I am desperately hooked by SERIAL, a podcast investigating a true crime and unfolding the story each week. I admit, I'm a sucker for crime dramas on TV, so this was totally up my alley. If you haven't listened to this or even heard about it, I highly recommend you check it out. So addictive. There's only been 8 episodes so far.

What are the phone apps you can't live without?


  1. Insta FTW!!!!!

    Also I do not know how I ever lived without Google Maps!!! LOL


  2. Yes to Twitter and Google Maps! I hadn't bothered to download Google Maps until I found the spoken GPS directions are better with Google Maps - Google gives "In XX feet" directions, while Siri just says, "Turn ahead."

    Going to check out Serial now!
