
5 Fandom Friday (3)

5 Fandom Friday is a geek-blogger community building project started and hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick. Every Friday, post a top 5 list based on a predetermined topic that can be found on this master post - you can also find more info on the project there. Participate as frequently or infrequently as you like, and if a topic doesn't especially appeal to you, feel free to put your own twist on it.

I've missed a few because I was on vacation, but I'm back and this week's theme is great because I love food! :D

This week's theme: Comfort Foods That Always Make Me Feel Better


I'm a California native, so when it comes to classic "American" food and fast food, nothing says home like In-n-Out. It's cheap, simple, and delicious. I love getting it when I come back from a trip; it's my go-to homecoming treat.

2. Red bean, Riceball/Mochi, Sesame-stuffed Riceball (dessert) Soup

Not sure what the actual name of this is, but it's my favorite cold-weather Taiwanese dessert. My mom makes it every year, and the sesame-filled rice balls are to-die-for good.

3. Phở

Speaking of soupy foods, you can't beat phở for tasty comfort. Feeling cold? Under the weather? Nursing a hangover? You need some of this brothy deliciousness!

4. Minced Pork over Rice

This is a simple, traditional Taiwanese dish. I love a lot of Taiwanese/Chinese food, but I never get sick of this one. Om nom nom.

5. Ice Cream

I think this is self-explanatory. And anyone who knows me knows I am an ice cream monster.

Honorary Mention: I had to mention coffee and tea here because somethings a warm cuppa is all you need to brighten your day (and I love both!)

What are your top comfort foods?

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