
What's Up Wednesday (40)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


I'm still reading Long Lankin (things have gotten decidedly creepier), and haven't decided which verse book to read next yet.


The verse story and I tinkered a bit with an old WIP . Here's my RSW Week 6 update with a verse excerpt.


The World Cup! Of course it helps that my (No. 2...No. 1 being my home team) team won, but the whole international sporting event thing is just so incredible. There's so much emotion and feats of human ability. Okay, and the really dramatic documentary intros that the sports networks put together help too. But yes, fun times. I'm kind of sad it's over.


Other than being super busy at work, taking pictures of books, and anticipating the final World Cup game, a few things...

1. San Diego Comic Con is ONE WEEK away! I am FREAKING OUT. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I am so excited. I have so much more geeky clothing items this year, that I'm a little overwhelmed about what I'm going to wear, haha.

2. My handsome boy Loki (thanks to his mommy aka my Sister) has been making his way around the web. You can see him in this LA Times gallery of smiling dogs (he's like the 8th or so in) AND featured in this Buzzfeed post about World Cup Pups! I bet you can't guess who he's representing. ;)

Why yes, he is wearing the Sister's pre-final acquired German team jersey.

3. We're trying not to spend too much money on Disney's newest collectible toy product. They've had them in Japan for a while now but have finally brought them over. These little guys are called Tsum Tsum, and they're freaking adorable.

Dumbo and Donald Duck in the smallest tsum tsum size.

4. Last, but not least, as I mentioned above, one of my teams won the World Cup! YAY GERMANY!!!

The Sister has been a fan since like 2006, so die Mannschaft has kind of been in my periphery since then (plus, we both studied German in school for a stretch, which probably sparked some initial interest in the team come World Cup time). But it was not until this World Cup that I was charmed by their adorkable-ness. Also, we watched a few of the games at my friends' house, and one of them actually knows soccer and could answer all my non-soccer-person questions. So it made things more interesting and way more fun. We have so many inside jokes.


On Saturday, I went with the Sister and her newly converted to die Mannschaft friend to Downtown Disney ESPNZone to watch the final match. It was the most uncomfortable 90+ minutes of sports I've ever watched. We were way too invested in their success; we were bundles of nerves. I stress ate half a huge plate of chips. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT because Germany won!

I'm so happy for them. They won as a team (the Machine as they were sometimes nicknamed in media hereabouts) and one that has been working to make it here since the last few tournaments. Besides, they are just so dang cute. I mean, look at this. This is how they presented their trophy at home to their fans:

And here's more Vines of adorableness in this Buzzfeed article: Germany's Epic Dance Moves While Unveiling the World Cup Trophy in Berlin.

See: so cute, so charming.

Anyway, let me leave you with these pertinent tweets from my dear friend Sarah, whose tweets helped me not implode from nerves during the final match.

Edit: In case you're wondering who Sarah is talking about...

Source: this pinterest link S sent me.
Edit 2: Another edit for this amazing Mirror post the Sister found showing "17 absolutely ubergeschnappt Gifs, Vines and Tweets that show Germany won the World Cup of Cool." Basically, they're precious.

What's up with you?


  1. No, no, no. David Beckham's second. Thierry Henri is the hottest ;)

    Have an amazing time at Comic Con! Those tsum tsums are adorable!

  2. Loki is so cute. And I love that he made the LA Times.

    Have fun at ComicCon. I can't wait to see photos.

  3. That is such a cute video. Germany was such a drattedly good team, and knocked out so many of my favorite teams that I couldn't work up much enthusiasm for them. At least until that darling Goetze scored that goal. The look on his face after it happened won my heart over. Go Germany!

  4. I just flipped through the whole gallery of smiling dogs and while they're all adorable, I think Loki's the cutest. He looks so distinguished! :-) And yay for Comic Con... I'm so looking forward to hearing all about it!

  5. Enjoy Comic Con! Have a great week! :)

  6. Oh, I can't show those tsum tsums to my daughter. She'll go nuts! Yay to comic con - so jealous :) As to Germany, we still can't believe they won. . .terrific but they surprised us (hubs is German ;) )

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  9. I was cheering for Brazil. I was really bummed out when they didn't do so well but Yay for Germany! This is my first year following the World Cup, so hopefully I'm more prepared for the next one.

    I hope you have a great time at Comic Con. :)

  10. My dogs would never let me dress them up like that.

    Cute dog.

  11. Oh gosh, Loki is adorable in his Germany shirt! My son was cheering for Germany in the final so he would wholeheartedly approve of Loki's attire.

    Have a blast at Comic Con! I'm super jealous that you're going! :)

  12. I don't mind saying I had Germany pegged for the final (and the win) from their first game (see my blog for evidence!). Aside from the Ghana match, they played so well and looked indomitable from the beginning. The win against Brazil showed they were willing to take whatever chances came their way. They could have sat back at 3-0 and coasted to the final whistle. But Brazil opened their goal up to them four more times, and they went for it. That's the attitude that wins games.

    So YAY Germany! :)

    One of the other great aspects of the World Cup is the sportsmanship. On the whole, I thought it was excellent this year. The way the Brazilians comforted the Columbian sensation James Rodrigues after they beat Columbia was truly heart-warming.

    It's been such a great tournament. I too can't wait for 2018! :)
