
Ready. Set. Write! (Week 6)

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
Pretty good! I wrote 2 stanzas and half a scene in an old WiP. I also finished reading Psyche in a Dress.

2. My goal(s) for this week
  • Write 2 more stanzas
  • Start reading another verse novel.
  • Get some more sleep.
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

But the rooms are largely stripped, cluttered
only by shadow and the accumulation of
years of neglect. It’s just dust.
We’ll have space to fill
with us.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.
Time and energy. It's been really busy, not just social gatherings/World Cup-wise, but also at work. It's been super busy with things piling on at the same time. So it's hard to have energy for writing when I get home. On the other hand, when I'm stressed I do end up wanting to write more (and clearly did this week) because it's kind of like procrastination from what I should be doing?

5. Something I love about my WiP.
I looked at my pinterest board for my verse story a lot this week, and it just inspires me every time. I love the mood and delicate darkness of it. Here's hoping I can capture this feeling in words.

How did you do this week?

P.S. Still so happy Germany won the World Cup! Woohoo!


  1. Yay for Germany! For me, writing also helps manage my stress...while sometimes writing stresses me. It depends on the weeks but it usually does have a calming effect :-) Cheering you on for your goals this week!

  2. Time and energy - YES. And for me, lack of focus. Sometimes when I'm busier, I get more done. :)

    Anyway, love that stanza from your story! And congrats to Germany. While I'm not a fan, there's no denying how sweet Gotze's goal was - WOW.

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Alice, that bit of verse you shared is beautiful. I love when text visually echoes the sentiment of the words, and you totally rocked that with your excerpt. Best of luck with your goals this week!

  4. That stanza is beautiful, both the language and how you presented it visually. Love it. Hope you knock out your goals this week! :)

  5. I really like the lines you shared from your story, Alice! And good job getting stuff done this week, despite being so busy. I really should follow your example. :-)

  6. Great job this week! I find it hard to write when stressed, because it's often an extra stressor, but it depends which MS I'm working on! I really like the stanza you shared! :)

  7. Oh my gosh, I love that stanza from your WIP!! Beautiful.

    Good luck this week!

  8. I loved what you shared from your work, beautiful.

    Great work and have another wonderful successful week.

    Well done Germany!

  9. Yet another beautiful stanza from your wip. You're really good at writing in verse!

    Good luck this week! :)

  10. Wow! That's so awesome that you're taking on a challenge like writing a verse novel! Glad it looks like it's going well so far!

    And yes, go Germany :)

  11. Great World Cup! I've never gotten into novels in verse, but I'll have to get out of my comfort zone. Loved your line, very poetic!
