
What's Up Wednesday (39)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!

I'm doing the best I've been doing all year with my reading! I just finished Ruin & Rising, which was so good! I'm still thinking about it. Very fitting and satisfying end to the trilogy - and no, I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book (though I thought the world was fantastic & Leigh Bardugo's writing quite lovely), but the 2nd and 3rd have completely won me over.

I bought the B&N Special Edition because it comes with a Darkling prequel story, and oh, it just makes me love him more. (To quote Book 2's tagline: DARKNESS NEVER DIES) But I love Nikolai too, and at the end of this whole journey, I think I might love him as much as I love the Darkling. Basically, I usually go for 2 types of dudes in books and the Darkling & Nikolai are those 2 types. I had no chance.

I also finished reading Francesca Lia Block's Psyche in a Dress, which is a book written in free verse and it plays with one of my most favorite things - classical mythology. I liked the motifs and themes, and it was definitely helpful to me since I'm working on a verse story.

I'm now reading the creepy Long Lankin at the behest of April Tucholke. I think we're on the same creepy wave-length when it comes to these things. We're sort of book-clubbing this thing.

Still the verse novel, but also tinkering with some older things (things that sadly still have no plot). For more detailed writing updates, swing by on Mondays when I post for Ready.Set.Write! Here's this week's update: RSW Week 5

Good reads and poetry! It always makes me want to write.

Fourth of July weekend was fun times because yay! 3-day weekend and actually being able to watch some World Cup games. There was also food and puppy play time and fireworks. I even bought this amazing star-spangled skirt for the occasion (I saw it randomly & it was on sale!)

Speaking of the World Cup, yesterday Germany played an unbelievable semi-final game against Brazil. 7 goals, 5 of them in the first half in a crazy goal-blitz! My Twitter feed kept blowing up with goals. It was something else. I feel bad for Brazil, but yay Deutschland! Fingers crossed for them in the final!

Loki would like to eat 1 milkbone for every goal that was scored. (We didn't let him eat all 7.)

Lastly, I've been having a lot of fun with Jaime's YA Photo A Day challenge. Here are my entries so far.

What's up with you?


  1. I love that picture of Lirael!!!! And the Disreputable Dog. And that is an awesome skirt. You are so stylish :D

  2. Wait...there's a collector's edition?! With a Darkling prequel?! I did not know about this. I really wish I didn't decide to reread the first two books so I can get to R&R already! Although I'm glad I haven't bought it yet, now I can be sure to get the collector's edition.

    And I'm with you on liking two types of guys in books. The Darkling/Nikolai are definitely my favorite types of guy characters. I can't wait to see what happens with the Darkling in Ruin & Rising.

    Also, I just need to say that you have great style. I love LOVE LOVE that skirt. It's so pretty!

    I really wish I could've participated in Jaime's book photo challenge but unfortunately all of my books are packed away. Hopefully she does it next month.

    Have a great week!

  3. I didn't get to see the game, but wow. Just wow. Germany is dominating the world cup, which makes me worried for my own team Oranje.

    I love your skirt. It's amazing.

  4. I think I might have to try the Grisha series again. I wasn't won over by the first one, but the fact that you liked the next two better makes me want to read them!

  5. I loved RUIN AND RISING, but I didn't know there was a collector's edition! I have the series on my Kindle, but I may have to buy the paperbacks at some point.

    Have a great week! :)

  6. I've been loving your photos in the photo challenge. I've actually gotten a fair amount of recs (and new IG friends too!) through this, so I'd call that a win. :-)

    I still need to get to RUIN AND RISING. That should be on my list for this month. Hope you're having an awesome week, Alice! :D

  7. Love you skirt!! And loved Ruin and Rising. What a fabulous book. A fabulous series. Good luck on your writing. So interesting that you are writing in verse. I cannot imagine doing that, but I love reading books in verse!

  8. You have an impressive dog who will pose for pictures with all those milk bones in front of him! Consider me impressed. :)

  9. Love the skirt! I'm not American but I'd wear it anyway!
    Can't wait to read Ruin & Rising. I'm with you in the Darkling and Nikolai both.

  10. Sounds like I'm going to have to move that series up on my to-read list. :)
