
Ready. Set. Write! (Week 7)

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
Opposite of last week: kind of terrible! I was way too busy- both at home and at work- to get much writing done. I think I figured something out in an old WIP though, so yay! I also did not start reading a new verse book, but I did read more of my other book. Failed on getting more sleep.

2. My goal(s) for this week
  • Write a stanza
  • Start reading a verse novel.
  • Get some more sleep, especially before SDCC.

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.
Breakthrough. Not on the verse novel, but I had a breakthrough on one of my older WIPs.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.
Time and energy again. Work has been uber busy, and I've been planning and getting ready for Comic Con later this week!

5. Something I love about my WiP.
The 3 POVs continue to be a challenge, but I find I'm enjoying crafting the voices.

How did you do this week?

P.S. Comic Con is here! I can't believe it! It's later this week, so I have much to prepare. Hoping to get some writing done, but not sure how successful I'll be. Will try to make it around to some blogs but also not sure how successful I'll be. See you next time!


  1. Have you decided which verse novel you're going to read yet? I haven't read a lot in verse, but I do love Lisa Schroeder's work. She's got a few really beautiful verse novels. Just a suggestion. :-) Have so much fun at ComicCon, lady!

  2. Awesome about the breakthrough! Honestly, I think sometimes that feels so much more gratifying than pounding out a high word count. Like a giant weight off your shoulders. I've been there for sure, and am actually hoping for a breakthrough soon myself! I, too, have a trip looming on the horizon and that makes focusing on writing super tough. You're going to have an awesome time at SDCC, though. Have a great week, Alice!

  3. So, I'm super jealous of our upcoming adventure, but I can't wait to see your Comic Con pics! I hope you have the best time! And enjoy...the writing will be there when you get back!
