
Name That Book: Similar Book Covers Version Answers!

Awright, peeps.  It's time to find out how well you did on last week's edition of Name That Book Krispy normally gets them all but I managed to stump even her this time on a couple.  Here we go, first covers on the left and similar covers on the right!

1. Prophecy by Ellen Oh 

2. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater 
Shadows Cast By Stars by Catherine Knutsson

3. Exodus by Julie Bertagna
Unwind by Neal Shusterman

4. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Thirteenth Child by Patricia C. Wrede

5. Possession by Elana Johnson
Pure by Julianna Baggott

How did you do?  Just scrolling down my Goodreads, I've spotted a few more cover lookalikes, so there will likely be another version of this coming in the future.

In the meantime, wish Krispy luck on her Ready. Set. Write! verse-novel project.  I didn't even nag her about it today but rest assured, I will nag her about it tomorrow.  I'll just be puttering around in the meantime with a couple of projects, as per usual.  WRITE, KRISPY, WRITE.


  1. Oops, I missed this game. Been hiding out in my writing/editing/formatting came for too long. But I'm back in the sunlight now.

    Good luck with the writing, Krispy!

  2. yeah, this one was hard! i only figured out what all of them were by cheating LOL.

    good luck with the verse novel, krispy! :)
