
Ready. Set. Write! (Week 2)

We're supposed to keep things short and sweet for these RSW posts this year. So here goes!

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
Not bad! I wrote my stanza and tinkered with the existing ones a bit. I also thought a bit about how the POVs are supposed to go together, but still not sure. I didn't have time to revisit the Cinderella novel, but I do think I've finally figured out how to write a short story I abandoned years ago. I know, procrastination brain can do wonders for other projects...

2. My goal(s) for this week
  • Write another stanza
  • Look at the Cinderella novel
  • Start (and maybe finish) reading one of the verse novels I borrowed for studying craft

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

And in the air, there is not so much /a roar as a buzz - the electricity of wings.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.

Not so much time, but finding the energy to write!

5. Something I love about my WiP

It allows me to indulge my love of lyrical prose and really play with the language. I'll have to tone some of it down, of course, and one of my POV characters isn't "pretty prose-y" at all. So it's a good balance and good practice.

How are the rest of you doing on your goals? Good luck this week!

BONUS: World Cup Loki! He and the Sister are cheering for Die Mannschaft (the Team) aka Germany today (and USA, of course)


  1. Yay, Loki! Also, WHO are you going to cheer for when Germany and the US face off?

    And yes - sometimes I find it hard to find the energy to get started with my writing. Fortunately, once I get going, I don't often want to stop. :)

    And I'm so curious as to which verse novel you're reading. I hope my recs were helpful!

  2. I'm so impressed that you're writing in verse. I can't imagine being able to do that. What's your favorite novel in verse book? I want to try reading one!

  3. The novel in verse sounds lovely! (I've always wanted to be able to write poetry, but it's not my gift.)

    Loki is looking very festive. We're rooting for the US and the Netherlands. (My mom immigrated from the N'lands.)

  4. I LOVE that you're writing a novel in verse--they are a new found love of mine. And that line you've put up is lovely :)

  5. What a beautiful line! I love verse novels, and I've tinkered with the idea of writing one some day, but I don't think my poetry skills are quite up to scratch.

    Good luck on your goals this week! :)

  6. A novel in verse? That's such a cool idea! Good luck this week! :)

  7. How fun to be able to use poetry. Beautiful line too. Good luck with Week 2!

  8. Love the line you shared- beautiful!

  9. Finding the energy and motivation to write is so tough sometimes. I had a similar challenge this week. Though, I often find that once I force myself to just do it, I end up in the zone and get more done than I planned. Hope that's how it goes for both of us this week! :D

  10. Such a cute dog! I think he'll win in the World Cup. It would be neat to see dogs play Football, wouldn't it?

    I'm having the energy problem too. Worst in the morning. Hard to wake up. Hopefully next week will be better for both of us!

  11. I'm so intrigued by a novel in verse. I've never read one before. Have a great writing week!

  12. I'm so intrigued by a novel in verse. I've never read one before. Have a great writing week!

  13. I love the imagery in the lines you shared. I've always wanted to write a novel in verse but it's just one of those I haven't been able to master yet. I guess it just takes a lot of time and practice.

    I agree with you on the energy. Even if I think about my wip and what I want to add to it, getting the motivation to actually do the things I want to is very difficult. Here's to you finding the time and energy to write this week. Good luck!

  14. World Cup Loki -- so cute! I love the line you shared, Alice. It's just as beautiful as the one you shared for RTW on Twitter last week. You have such a talent for poetry. I'm envious! Best of luck with your goals for the next week, lady!

  15. Love that line! Beautiful! :D Good luck with your new goals and especially finding the energy to write!
