
Ready. Set. Write! (Week 1)

Hello, lovelies! This Monday post is a little off-schedule, but I think for the summer, we will switch our schedule from Wednesday/Friday to Monday/Wednesday with the occasional Friday post. Why?

Well, I'm participating once again in Ready. Set. Write!, a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk.

RSW is about promoting goals and accountability wherever you're at in your writing - drafting, revising, planning, polishing, etc. The little difference this year is that check-in posts will be on MONDAYS and are meant to be BRIEF. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

So today's post is about setting goals for the whole of the intensive but also for Week 1.

1) The story I am most in love with right now is my verse story, so I'll mostly be working on that this RSW. I'd like to have half of it written by the end of this intensive, but I do realize this is me being optimistic. I've never written anything long in verse, and there is still much I have to work out about the 3 POVs. I have the general shape of the story, but I don't know yet how it should unfold within the 3 view points. Not to mention, when I write poetry, it's about constant revising while I'm writing and also after.

2) My Cinderella story has been languishing since last NaNoWriMo, but I still think it has the best basic groundwork. So when I'm not working on the verse novel, which I won't be all the time (poetry is a slippery thing for me), I think I'll tinker around with this again. Getting half a rough draft of this done would be amazing.

3) Read at least 2 books a month. I was reading a book a week last year, but as I've mentioned previously, I've been in a reading slump almost since the beginning of the year. And this is not for lack of good books! So I want to ease my way back into reading with a relatively low goal. (Plus, I'm a slow reader, so this actually isn't that low of a goal for me!)

4) Sleep more. No seriously, my sleep schedule has been all over the place this year.

Goals for this week specifically: write another stanza of the verse story; brainstorm more on how the 3 POVs are supposed to fit together. Open up that Cinderella story and figure out where I'm at there.

Looking forward to checking in with all of you! Good luck!


  1. I will probably be working on more than one project, and I know there are others in the same boat, so you're not alone! Good luck meeting your goals this week! :D

  2. I'm so glad you're focusing on the verse novel for RSW. You have such talent there. Of course, I have NO IDEA how people write novels in verse. I feel like if I tried it'd take me 10 eons to finish. So kudos to you if you get it half done during RSW!

  3. oh i love the sleep goal! i should have thought of that... I really need to do better... best of luck with all of your goals!

  4. I need the sleep goal too. :) And I LOVE stories in verse! But I can imagine they take a while to write. Good luck! And so glad you've joined us!

  5. Your verse novel is what you shared for last week's Road Trip Wednesday, right? That line was gorgeous, Alice, and I hope you get lots written this summer. I want to read the whole story! So glad you're joining us for RSW. :-)

  6. Good luck with your writing goals for this week!

  7. You've got some great goals across the board. Good luck as you work to make progress :-)
