
RSW 2015: Week 2

Ready.Set.Write! is a summer writing intensive hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Jaime Morrow. Click the banner or the link previous for more information on the intensive.

We're checking in every Monday, and the link-up will be on the host blogs. This is the first week of updates!

1. How I did on last week’s goals

I'd say 50/50. I didn't manage the 15 minutes every day, but I got 4 out of 7! Will attempt to do better this coming week.

2. My goal(s) for this week

I forgot that we can set other goals for RSW too, so I'll add those in here.

  • Write for 15 min every day
  • Finish a beta read and send notes
  • Start next beta read
  • Get more sleep

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

Rusty - as in, writing is like a muscle and I haven't exercised mine (at least on the story-writing front) in a long while and I felt it! Eep.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write)

As I suspected last week, finding the energy to write. Last week was especially busy thanks to deadlines at work and future fun planning with my friends after work.

5. Something I love about my WiP

I love some of the little world details I'd forgotten I'd written previously, so it was nice to rediscover them.

How did you do with your goals this week?


  1. I love how you described writing as a muscle to be exercised. And I love that you were able to rediscover things you love about your story! And it does sound like you made awesome progress this week! Hope it's another great week for you!

  2. I like how you added get more sleep for one of your goals. Good work on your minutes goals!

  3. It's only the start you can do this! Good luck with more sleep I'm about to turn in myself (night shift so my days are backwards)

  4. I love it when you go back to a work after some time away and find so many little awesome bits that you forgot about writing. It’s so encouraging! Good luck on your goals this week!

  5. 15 minutes is such a nice, manageable chunk. I should try that!

  6. Good job getting that writing in 4 out of 7 days this week, Alice! Your muscle analogy is a great one. Yep. My writing muscles are getting a bit stronger, but they were atrophied for so long! It's always great to revisit something you wrote awhile ago and find that you love it still. Hope you have many more moments like this this week! :-)

  7. Great job! I think writing does get a little easier if you make a habit out of it. Or at least staring at a blank page becomes a little less scary. :P

  8. I feel a bit rusty too. Especially because I haven't quite found my groove with revising and writing on another project. 50/50 ain't shabby! I think you did great this last week with your goals. Have an awesome and productive week!

  9. "Get more sleep" is a goal I can get behind, haha. I like your description of writing being a muscle, and boy does it ache after being unused for a while... Now you've started though, it should hopefully get easier! Good luck with this week, I'm sure you'll ace your goals. :)

  10. The beta reading goal is a great one! That's one that Quita needs to add to hers as she has a novel to finish by the end of this week. Also, we agree with Pax, "get more sleep" is an excellent goal!

  11. I know what you mean about feeling rusty. I get the same way after long writing breaks. Here's to giving that writing muscle plenty of exercise in the coming week. Best of luck with this week's goals, Alice!

  12. Sleep is a legit goal if you aren't getting enough of it. I also hear you on feeling rusty if I've been away from writing for awhile. Blogging, social media, and other posts are different than fiction writing too.

  13. Getting more sleep will help that energy issue! Isn't it funny how everything's always related? I hope you're able to get all your goals to work out for you this week!

  14. I always love finding things in my books that I've forgotten. Helps me see them in a new light.

    I echo the idea of more sleep. I'm one of those people who can never get enough, but I need a specific amount to not be a zombie the next morning. I know low energy well, and it sucks. Hugs.

  15. I can relate to needing more sleep. It seems like I don't get enough. If only there were more hours in a day! You did great this week. 4 out of 7 is better than nothing! Good luck with these week's goals. :)

  16. I totally understand the whole "need more sleep." These days I can't seem to get enough sleep. Good luck on your goals this week!

  17. Work really does spoil all the fun. Hopefully you find yourself with more time this week. Are you working on your verse novel or a different one? Either way, good luck hitting your goals!

  18. Oh gurl, I feel you on the sleep thing. Why is it so hard? I love sleep! At least not all of the reasons you were busy were work-related -- fun planning is the BEST! (Although I personally won't rest until some of that fun planning involves coming to my end of the world :) )
