
RSW 2015: Week 1 (Goals)

It's time for Ready.Set.Write!, the summer writing intensive hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Jaime Morrow. Click the banner or the link previous for more information on the intensive.

I've participated the past 2 years and found it very motivating and fun! So if you need a little boost for your writing projects this summer, I recommend you join in. We're checking in every Monday, and the link-up will be on the host blogs.

This week's 1st post is for goal setting, but future posts will be updates using the following headings:

1. How I did on last week’s goals
2. My goal(s) for this week
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised
4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write)
5. Something I love about my WiP

WEEK 1 - Goals

1. This summer I'd like to get the rough draft of my Cinders story done. I know, big goal but I've been picked at this story for years and I think I need to focus and write it down (and stop changing my mind on plot points).

2. Goals for this week: write for at least 15 minutes every day.

3. Word that sums up how I feel right now: determined.

4. My biggest challenge will be finding the energy to write. I've been so mentally exhausted lately.

So, are you ready to get writing? What are your goals?


  1. I'm happy you're joining us again this summer, Alice! I think your goals are awesome, especially sitting down for 15 minutes a day to write. Yes! That's something I'm going to have to make myself do this summer. It's too easy to get busy and/or distracted this time of year, isn't it? (It is for me, anyway.) We're all cheering you on! :D

  2. Energy is sometimes hard to find. Too bad it doesn't come in a bottle, packaged with automatic word count ;)

  3. Good luck on your goals! Love the goal of 15 mins/day. I’m all for achievable goals right now, and once you sit down for 15 it often ends up being more! :)

  4. Your main goal this summer sounds a lot like mine -- I'm fast-drafting a novel idea I just endlessly poke at and change and write and change -- so I look forward to stopping by on Mondays to see your progress and cheer you on!

  5. I'm also hoping to get a draft done, even if it's a messy draft. I tend to get perfectionistic, when really that can hold me back. It's all going to get revised anyway, so might as well write to an ending right? (which is what I say EVERY TIME. And yet).

    Completely do-able! I think this sort of challenge is helpful because we're all aiming toward similar things.

  6. I'm so glad you're joining us this summer, Alice! I'm rooting for you to finish CINDERS (mostly because I want to read it!). Best of luck with all of your goals. Can't wait to hear about all your successes!

  7. Yay, that's a great goal! I hope you accomplish it! As I said on Twitter, there's always Camp NaNo starting in July if you want some word count help to light a fire under you!

  8. Look at you week 1 goal right out the gate finish a draft! Whoohoo you can do it!

  9. Your writing goal is awesome and I wish you all the best with it this week! So glad you are doing RSW with us again this year!

  10. Delving full force into a story you've picked at for years can be daunting. Be brave and be strong. You've got this, Alice.

  11. Glad you're joining us :) You can doooo it! If you've been working on this story for years, it means you really want to finish it. And you will!

  12. Setting a time sounds like a nice way to mix it up, rather than just focusing on # of words. Good luck to you this year!

  13. Hope your goals are going well this week, and hope your 15 minutes each day has morphed into more!

  14. I'm super intrigued by the title of your WIP! Can't wait to hear more about it!
