
2015: One Word Resolution

Happy 2015, dear readers! We're back to blogging this week, and frankly, I'm already behind on everything. Still, the start of a new year holds its potential and promises.

I took some extra time these past few weeks to decide what my word for 2015 would be, and I've finally landed on it

But first, an explanation about the One Word Resolution to anyone new to the idea or anyone who needs a refresher. Instead of making individual New Year's Resolutions (though you certainly still can make them!), you choose a guiding word for the year. It's to help you achieve your goals, focus your attitude, remind you of what you want out of the year.

I learned about the concept from blog friends, who read about it first at Jessica Cora's blog. I've linked her name to the post where she explains the concept. Another blogger who employs this method is Susannah Conway, who runs a free e-workshop to help you find your word (I used this for the first time this year).

So without further ado, my word for 2015 is...


In the past, my words have been present and focus, both things I still really need going into 2015 (especially focus - I kind of failed on that front in 2014), but I wanted something more active and encompassing of what I want at this juncture in my life.

2014 was not a bad year at all for me (though I know it was tough for some & it was tough in the world at large). After all, I did so much traveling - more than I usually do within a given year - did so many fun geeky things, finally met some of my favorite online friends, and made some new friends to boot! While I maybe didn't focus enough on some of my more task-based goals, I felt like I embraced more and expanded more socially than I'm usually comfortable with. I've long been comfortable with my geekiness, but I felt like this year, I let myself be more loud and proud about it.

Highlights of 2014:

  • Sherlock S3 - not like we'd been waiting 2 years for this or anything. Viewed this with besties.

  • London-Paris Trip: First international trip with just the Sister! Got to meet up & stay with (in Paris) my college roomie! Triple Bucket List successes:
    • seeing Shakespeare performed in London
    • Tom Hiddleston in the flesh
    • Harry Potter Studio Tour + Platform 9 3/4!

  • Collaborated with April Tucholke & Lydia Kang on a Twitter Fiction Fest entry that eventually became my WIP verse novel.
  • Rediscovered my love for poetry & started writing it again.
  • Read my first books in verse and started reading my first on-going comic book (ODY-C).
  • Participated in my first podcast with the super nice Crazy4ComicCon, whose tips really helped me navigate my first SDCC in 2013 successfully.
  • The World Cup: yeah, soccer is pretty fun after all. Team USA! (And barring that, Germany)
  • SDCC 2014: other than the regular fun- I zip-lined for the first time ever and casual cosplayed. Became new/better friends with Jenn and Diana- girls after my own heart. Bucket List successes: 
    • signing with Hannibal cast/crew (showrunner Bryan Fuller is super nice!) 
    • met literary hero Peter S. Beagle
    • finally met long-time online friend & talented YA author Lydia Kang
  • Listened to my first podcats: Sarah Enni's insightful & inspiring First Draft Podcast; totally addictive true crime phenomenon Serial.
  • Met up with online writerly cohorts (some for the first time): Sarah Enni, Yahong Chi, wistfullyLinda, Lydia Kang.
  • Traveled to Italy! Bucket list successes:
    • Gelato- everywhere
    • Pompeii 
    • Ancient ruins, everywhere
    • saw The Last Supper IRL with my OWN EYES
    • hot David(s)/ Bernini's and Michelangelo's

  • Joined in Fandom 5 Fridays hosted by The Nerdy Girlie & Superspacechick, which led to even more geek girl connections (like the hostesses themselves).
  • Re: above, also finally joined up in the Nerdy Girlie's Female Geek Bloggers G+ group!
  • Participated in photo challenges & did pretty great in them: Jaime Morrow's YA Photo A Day and Set To Stunning's Nerdvember!
  • Upped my geek chic game. All leggings, all the time. Special thanks to the Sis and co-blogger Alz for my epic Alexander Hamilton bling.
  • Fun Saturday marathon of I heart Nick Carter with the girls. BSB will never not be funny!
  • Music: fell in love with Hozier's music/voice in May at his show; jammed out to Guardian of the Galaxy's Awesome Mix Vol. 1; Jason Mraz still makes me swoon at concerts; rediscovered love for Bastille in Italy and saw them in November; obsessed over Taylor Swift's 1989 - and yeah, okay I think I'm a fan.
  • TV: Hannibal somehow upped the stakes and kicked even more ass in their 2nd season; geek TV- the year I started watched way too many shows & got addicted to Arrow.
  • 10 Year High School reunion!
  • Epic Fellowship-large group movie outing to see the last HOBBIT movie.
  • STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS teaser trailer!!!

That said, while the past year was a whirlwind, I also had a growing sense of stuck-ness. Despite all the fun I was having and even some of the growth, I wasn't content and I felt stagnant - like I wasn't really achieving the things I wanted to achieve. This isn't to downplay whatever learning experiences I had in 2014 because I'm grateful for them, but I want 2015 to be the year I'm more active about moving forward, about changing the things that are bothering me.

Some of the tougher parts of 2014 showed me that I need to take more control of my life and ambitions. I had some interpersonal drama that was resolved in most senses but left me feeling kind of disappointed and unsatisfied. Other aspects of my personal life were more stressful and hectic as well, and through this, I was made to realize how long I've been doing what I'm doing. Having my 10 year high school reunion only emphasized this (though I had a good time at the event). I've also realized how often I let fear and doubt dictate my decisions or stop me from trying things.

So I think it's time for a change, and my wish for 2015 is for it to be a year of transformation in various aspects of my life. I know I will have to put in more time, dedication, bravery, and yes, focus to make it happen, but I don't want to reach the end of 2015 with the same sense that I ended 2014 with - happy but unsatisfied.

Anyway, I made a Pinterest board to keep me inspired and on-track throughout the year. I was inspired to follow in fellow geek girl Mia's (who I met through the Nerdvember challenge & SDCC badge-pre-sale buying frenzy) footsteps. Her word for the year, by the way, is sparkle.

Final note: I'd like to add that in 2015, I'd like more sparkle, more whimsy, more delight, and more courage. So what's your word for the year?

P.S. Other One Word Resolutions to inspire you.
Katy Upperman: Present
Erin Bowman: Rediscovery
Elodie Nowodazkij: Present


  1. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog. You have a great blog and really nice pictures. Happy New Year! (:


  2. Yay, so glad we got to hang out again per our yearly tradition! Your 2014 is amazing and full of awesomeness and I'm so happy for you.

    Didn't really think about a word for 2015 until your post, but I knew immediately what I want it to be: VISION. I want to reflect on what's important to me, what I want to make of myself, and develop a vision of what my ideal life would look like -- then work hard to make it reality.

    Last year I created a list of traits my ideal life partner would have. There were more than 50 things on it and I thought I was being greedy and unrealistic. But then I met my soul mate and now my personal life is so happy it makes me think, why don't I feel this way about EVERYTHING in my life? (Especially about work, which I am not enthusiastic about in the least.) And I think part of it is that I just let myself go with the flow and never really stopped to envision what an ideal work life would look like to me, so I never had something to work towards (only something to avoid). So that's what I hope to work on for 2015.

    Best of luck bringing about all the changes you'd like to make this year! I'm rooting for you!

  3. I hope 2015 brings about the changes and contentment you so desire. I'm looking forward to more photos from your fantastic adventures!

  4. I'm glad we became online friends this year! I'll be rooting for your year of change in 2015 :-D

  5. You've got such an amazing attitude, Alice! I think it's perfectly normal and natural to feel that 2014 was a good year, but that 2015 should be a GREAT one. I'm in the same boat...I've been feeling stagnant. "In limbo" was the phrase I used when I told my friend about this. There's that saying, though: "If your ship won't come in to you, swim out into the harbor." It applies to so many aspects of life! Hoping 2015 is everything you want it to be! <3

  6. Wanted to thank you for this idea. Here was my word for the year,and hope you have an awesome year :) http://www.superheroes.xyz/2015/01/one-year-one-word-one-missiongo.html
