
What's Up Wednesday (38)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


I'm reading Ruin & Rising and loving it. Also, I don't think I mention this enough, but I kind of adore Nikolai. I might love him as much as I love the Darkling...

The verse novel/story. Check out my RSW post from Monday for deets! Here's a line for you:
The house though is beautiful, cloaked as it is in
ivy and age, crowned with Hawthorne’s seven gables.


The World Cup. Because seriously, how do they even do that with their feet?! Also, I enjoy watching my Twitter stream blow up every time USA plays (which they will not anymore & I'm pretty sad about that). I'm going to miss the memes and Teddy Goalsevelt.

Last week, Loki was a little torn as to which team to cheer for when USA played Germany. Ultimately, homeland > Vaterland though!


Other than watching World Cup games with friends and swearing off Belgian waffles (in support of Team USA for their game yesterday against Belgium), I've mainly been up to trying to get more sleep and failing!

The Sister and I were also invited to a soft opening for Philz Coffee, which was previously only found in San Francisco. It's like fancy hand-poured coffee that I never had in the 4 years I spent up in the Bay Area because I...really have no idea why. ANYWAY, it was lovely because it was free coffee & it was delicious!

Their signature mint mojito iced coffee!
The other super awesome thing we did this weekend was put together "Sawafest 2014" with 2 of our friends. What is Sawafest, you ask? It is a celebration of Devon Sawa movies - particularly, we watched films from the early 90s.

This Sawa retrospective was spawned by a discussion we had about how as elementary school girls, we saw him in Casper (as in the friendly ghost) and we thought, "Boys are gross, but heeeey maybe this one is okay. He's kinda cute." So none of us were Sawa fangirls, but he was probably one of the first boys we even vaguely considered crushin' on.

And thus our reminiscing spawned Sawafest. As usual, we always go big or go home, so we even have a Twitter account for it. You can see our live-tweets from the day at @Sawafest. Feel free to follow, Sawa fans! :D

@Sawafest's profile pic courtesy of Gennia's mad photoshop skills.
We had way too much fun and discovered which of these old movies held up (Now & Then is great / Casper is surprisingly okay) and which didn't (Wild America was a hot mess of a brothers' road trip movie).

Oh and it was the best food I've had at any fest. We made brunch: homemade blueberry ricotta pancakes, turkey bacon, french toast with fresh berries, eggs, and mimosas. (NO Belgian waffles!!)

We came, we sawa, we conquered. (Many Sawa puns were made as well.)

Lastly, I'm trying to get more on top of my Photo A Day challenge game on Instagram. If you're on there, our very own Jaime Morrow has created YA-themed challenge starting this month! I'll be attempting to keep up. (I'm akangaru if you want to follow me.)

And your weekly moment of geek chic:

Mermaiding in Blackmilk Mermaid leggings.
Her Universe exploding TARDIS skirt.

What's up with you?


  1. I love your poetry sample. Wow, it's beautiful!

    Sounds like a fun week. The world cup is frequently painful to watch ;) But hooray for a new coffee shop!

    Have an amazing week :D

  2. Sounds like you've had a great week! I loved RUIN AND RISING, and Nikolai is awesome.

  3. I love verse novels, and I love those 2 lines! That's quite an undertaking, and I can't wat to see how it goes!

    I may need to try the Shadow and Bone series. So many bloggers are talking about it today. I don't remember why I didn't read it when it first came out.

  4. I so badly need to get to RUIN AND RISING already. I sort of forgot just how much I loved Nikolai. Maybe that will be my next read.

    And I have to echo Cole here: love your poetry sample! So beautiful. :-) Thanks for the #YAPhotoADay shout-out too, Alice! It's been fun so far, and I'm glad you're jumping in! Have a great week! :D

  5. First, YOU GUYS LOOK GORGEOUS in your photos this week!!! (love her mermaid leggings)

    Second, I love Nikolai and the Darkling, too.

    LOKI = <3

    Love your line form your wip.

    <3 you!!

  6. love your pictures

  7. LOL. My dogs would never put up with that. Well, the boy might--for about half a second.

  8. I love Nikolai! And the Darkling. So I'm with you on loving them both equally.

    I love the lines you shared. They're very beautiful and...wow. Keep up the good work!

    Also, I love the mermaid leggings and the TARDIS skirt. So cute! Have a good week. :)

  9. Love the poetry sample. (And the mermaid leggings!)

    Loki totally rocked his outfit. I'd love to dress up my dog Jezebel, but if I even paint her nails, she makes this pathetic face that says, "What I have to put up with..." And then I feel guilty. :)

  10. Totally digging the poetry! Nice. And nice geek chic fashion...I think you've really got something there! LOVE!!

  11. Great picture of Loki! It's been too long since I caught up with your world.
