
Wordless Wednesday: Thwarted!

This post brought to you by two feelings yesterday:

1) Serenity

The Sister tells me Loki promptly destroyed the flower after this pic was taken.
2) Frustration!

Guess this is what happens when you don't drop an album for 7 years...

And who says people don't buy CDs anymore? -__-

We apologize in advance for the simple posts this week. We've got a big wedding this weekend, and as such it's been busy busy. I have much to prepare and way too little time. (Where is that steam iron, and where the heck are my lightsabers?)

Happy Wednesday!

Q4U: Did you manage to get JT's The 20/20 Experience yesterday? Do you plan to? And/or have you listened to it yet? It's been streaming in its entirety on iTunes. (In other news, at least I'll be seeing him in concert this summer, woohoo!)


  1. Have fun at the wedding!! I hope you'll post photos afterwards.

  2. Hope the wedding is a great time and no, haven't had a chance to listen to JT's 20/20 Experience but am hoping to get it as soon as a store restocks lol!

  3. Well, it's JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE after all. ;)

    Enjoy your wedding week end.


  4. I want to see pictures from the wedding as well! I love pictures of weddings. :)

    I've heard lots of people talking about JT's new album. I was never super into him, but I'm willing to give it a try. Let's see if I can find a few of his new songs on YouTube...
