
Book Signing & Loki

Can you believe we're halfway through March already? I've been counting down to the latter part of March for a while because that's when one of my besties is getting married, and it felt like so far away. Now, it's next week and I'm ridic excited! Also, a little bit nervous/stressed but that could be my work-pressures talking.

Anyway, here's a picture update!

1) Last weekend, I made my way down to the South Bay for THE NIGHTMARE AFFAIR book signing with Mindee Arnett. This was pretty exciting because I've often squeed with Mindee on twitter about The Raven Boys, Laini Taylor's gorgeous writing, Supernatural's Dean Winchester, and even Walter Farley's The Black Stallion series.

Basically, it was super cool to meet Mindee in Real Life, and I'm super excited to read her book.

2) We took Loki for another hike. He loves the car ride and the water and basically everything, haha.

3) We also gave him a bath, which didn't stop him from rolling around after.

Happy weekend!

P.S. If you missed it, definitely check out Alz's interesting analysis of first lines in YA dystopians/post-apocalyptic books and how it relates to their themes.


  1. You met Mindee! JEALOUS. Sounds like so much fun though :D And Loki is adorable!

  2. Sounds like you've been doing some exciting things! And seriously how is Loki so adorable??

  3. Looks like you and Loki had fun! I can't wait until the weather turns that nice for my region as well.
