
Randomosity on Fridays: Quarter Century Birthday Edition

And we're back from blogcation, although I have to warn you now that the blog will likely go dark again in early September as I will be on ACTUAL vacation, but that's the future. On to the blogging!

We're back to our regularly scheduled programming, even as Camp NaNo continues to pwn me. Oh, but Alz already hit the golden 50,000 words. She is now in charge of curbing my procrastination.

Some other stuff happened while we were away.

1. Both Sophia and Ani awarded us with the Liebster Blog Award.
2. I had a birthday on Aug. 16, wherein I became a Quarter Century old.

We're just going to talk about #2 because we haven't come up with a list of bloggers for #1 yet. Next week!

This past Sunday, I did a joint birthday dinner with fellow vlogger & Boba4Lifer Sophia at the ritzy Club Cicada in downtown LA. Ritzy how, you may be asking. Well, it's located in a historic building - the 1928 art deco Oviatt Building.

The sister is very color-coordinated.

It's 1920s-40s themed, meaning you have to be in either vintage dress or evening dress to get in. So it was an excuse to get all dressed up, and people that go there really get into the dressing up and the theme.

With my favorite gals!
There's also a live band on Sundays, and they play songs from the time period. There's lots of dancing, which I did not partake of because that kind of coordination is not in me. BUT it was fun watching other people because they were really good.

Sophia and I got candles in our desserts and serenaded by our friends.

Then on Tuesday, G took me out for dinner and we stuffed ourselves at Kabuki. We topped it off with this ridiculously delicious tempura ice cream. It was green tea and coffee ice cream inside. There was also chocolate sauce.

After that, I came home to find my dad had bought me an ice cream cake from Coldstone's. For those of you who have been here a while, you will know that ice cream is like one of my FAVORITE THINGS EVER. I also really love chocolate and coffee.

Yeah, I think my name's spelled wrong...
This cake was chocolate cake with coffee ice cream, topped with toffee. Needless to say, even though I was stuffed from dinner, I couldn't resist and had a piece of this too (though I forced Alz to share it with me).

So that's it for this week's bit of random. I hope you all had a wonderful week, and that you are enjoying the wonderful resources of WriteOnCon (because I know many of you are distracted by that)! Hope to see you back here again Wednesday. We missed you all!

What have you been up to? Learn or do anything interesting lately?


  1. lmao whoops, I gave you the liebster award too *facepalm* OH WELL :D

    You guys are so pretty! And that cake... omg that cake looks divine o_o

  2. Happy Birthday, Acicz... Wait, what? :P

    Hope you had a great time, it looks like y'all had fun getting into the theme. Love your dresses!

    Eh, nothing of interest to share here except that it's Friday! <3 <3 <3

  3. Happy Birthday! Glad you had such a great time. The dresses were gorgeous.

    Now get yourself back to work--I want to hear how great your word count is. (Guess what I'm procrastinating from...writing. Back to work for me too.)

  4. Hope your day was great--it certainly looks like it was fun! And Coldstone Cakes are ah-ma-zing. I drooled just a little.

  5. I totally forgot to look at the ice cream cake last night. Just the photo makes my teeth ache. And that tempura WTH?!? It's like a bowling ball.

    I'll get our "legit" photos up probably next Monday.

  6. Aww, you guys look like you had a great time!!

  7. Happy birthday! Sounds like an epic time, complete with epic ice cream cake. :D

  8. Welcome back! :D Where are you going for your September vacation? Sounds exciting!

    Omg I know, I can't believe Alz already passed 50k. I don't think I can even manage half of that.

    YAY BIRTHDAY PHOTOS! You all look gorgeous! It definitely sounds like you had an awesome night. :)

    LOL about your name on that cake. I was looking at it for the longest time trying to figure out why it was off, lol.

    Ahhh I soooo want ice cream now!

  9. Happy Birthday! :)

    It looks like you had a great time! I love the pictures. :D

  10. Happy Belated Birthday to both of you! You all look so gorgeous -- hope you had a great time!

  11. I was on vacation too! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    That place ... WOW. Okay, now I really MUST come down!

    Sophia + Krispy + boba (whatever) + awesome 40's type venue? ====== MOST AWESOME TIME EVER!!

    I'm glad your birthday was such fun Krispy ~ you totally, 100% deserve it. You are one of the most special, awesome people I know!

  12. Happy (belated) birthday! (The dresses look lovely and the cake looks AMAZINGLY delicious. *stares*) Glad you had a good time. :D

  13. Happy belated birthday!

    Hmmm, ice cream cake.

  14. LORI- Psst...I'm giving you the liebster award too... Thank you on all counts! :)

    CONNIE- Thank you! And I sort of made my word count goal during the week...sort of.

    JULIANA- Thanks! It was fun times!

    MERC- Thank you! Next time you're in town, we'll get an ice cream cake. ;)
