
Blogging Break

Hello, darlings!

Following in the footsteps of a number of blogs, A Nudge will be going on a brief blogging break.

I've been a little slack in responding to comments and visiting your blogs too, and with Camp NaNoWriMo happening, I'm finding myself a little burnt out.

PLUS, I am turning a Quarter Century Old in less than a week, and I'm celebrating it with fellow August birthday-er & Boba4Lifer Sophia this weekend! So there's that to contend with as well.

So we will return to our regularly scheduled posts on Friday, August 19th.

Until then, drink up me hearties & don't be strangers! (I'll still be trolling twitter & tumblr and your blogs.)


  1. Oooh happy early birthday! And have an awesome celebration this weekend!

    Totally hear you about the burnt out feeling (plus I'm totally behind on NaNo, lol). Hope you're taking plenty of time to relax. :)

    Looking forward to your 08.15 post!

  2. Everyone's taking summer breaks! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. :) I WILL BE AWAITING YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED BROADCASTS WITH ANTICI...PATION.

    And yes, caps lock was necessary.

  3. A quarter of a century? I will give anything to switch places with you. lol.
    Be on the look out for a twitter shout out. :)

  4. HAPPY QUARTER CENTURY!...and enjoy your respite :)

    So hard to keep up with blogs during summer *pulls out hair* I've been TERRIBLE.

  5. Have fun! I expect pics after your hiatus. ;)

  6. Have a great celebration and enjoy your break :)

  7. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

    Enjoy your blog break.

  8. Happy early birthday!

    I hope you'll have a wonderful & productive blogging break. :)

  9. Okay old lady, take your break.

    Just kidding. Have a good one!

  10. You've been tagged for the Liebster blog award! *points to my blog post for the day* :D

  11. Happy Birthday!

    How's Camp NaNo going?

  12. Happy birthday! 25 is the perfect age, imo :D

  13. Have a great birthday! And have fun on your break. :)

  14. Happy early Birthday! :)

    Hope you enjoy your blogging break!

  15. Have a very, very, happy birthday ;D
