
Annotations on ThreadedPages

As I mentioned in my last Currently... post, I started a new Instagram for my book-related photos and I wanted to talk a little more about it. My personal account (akangaru) has always been a mix of everything I love - food, friends, fandom, fashion, travel (couldn't keep up the alliteration, I'm afraid). So it wasn't that I wanted to streamline my Instagram aesthetic (it's a thing) there, it was more that I wanted to have a separate, more themed account.

I like taking photos. I like books and clothes and have a lot of both. I've also done a few "bookstagram" posts before with outfits inspired by or matching books, and people seemed to respond well to those. It made sense then to make the new account themed to books + fashion with a dash of geekery (because I am that at heart, if nothing else). Besides, I hear having a theme to your bookstagram is a good thing.

I asked my friend Jenn, who is incredible with puns, to help me come up with something that would reflect the theme, and she came up with my current handle. Thus, threadedpages was born!

Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to have a feature on this blog called "Annotations" to talk about some of the bookish looks I post - basically, behind the scenes or why I picked a certain pairing. For example, this can be a very short first post using my first new bookstagram pic of the account.

This came together very spontaneously. Since Daredevil Season 2 was premiering and my friend had leant me her DD comic, I wanted to do a post. Originally, it was just going to have the book + the shirt, but I remembered the Sister had a stained glass-print dress.

Matt Murdock's Catholicism is significant to his character motivations and is an important part of who he is, so the "cathedral dress" seemed to be a fitting way to reference that. Not to mention, the show itself has referenced quite a bit of religious art in its own promotional materials.

Outfit Details: T-SHIRT (Teepublic) / DRESS: (Blackmilk)

Hope you enjoyed that! Also, I wanted to end on a few bookstagram accounts I've discovered in my short time in that world that are similarly themed to what I'm doing with threadedpages.

TheWovenWord - where she's dressing for the novel (not the weather). I loved this Outlander outfit.

DressyBook - simply dresses & books, but oh, are they perfectly paired!

SuperSpaceChick - Kristin is a geek girl blogger and friend of mine, whose Instagram is mostly a bookstagram account now. She's always been great at mixing fashion with reading, and so I love that she's started a Book Look OOTD series on her blog.

A photo posted by ♡ Kristin ♡ (@superspacechick) on

And special shout-out to another online geek girl friend, Alice of The Geeky Burrow, who always takes such gorgeous Lord of the Rings book pictures. I was so encouraged by her enthusiasm when I started my own bookstagram. :)

What are some of your favorite Bookstagram accounts?


  1. This is an awesome new series! I'm loving your photos! It is almost always cool to see the behind the scenes/inspired reads in. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks Alice<3 I have been loving your new instagram account!!
