
Currently... (16)

"Currently..." updates will be every 2 weeks or so. Going to try to update on Tuesdays when Katy Upperman posts hers.

I found the Currently post at Kate Hart's blog, who got the idea from Amy Lukavics, who found it here. Please join in and link me in the comments if you do!

I'm seriously trying to do this every 2 weeks, but it seems like it's monthly. Anyway, lots happened!


  • The 3 poems I managed to finish this past month, and even the fourth one I started but haven't finished because it's kicking my butt. Thanks to everyone who read for me and discussed specific descriptors with me!
  • Hanging out with my favorite people!
  • Exploring all the art installations and exhibits around my city.
    • Petal Drop LA was magical and whimsical.
A video posted by alice (@akangaru) on

    • Break Bread was provocative in its juxtaposition of the savage and sweet.

    • The film costume exhibit at FIDM was wonderful - amazing how much intricate, creative work is done on these clothes.
Imperator Furiosa: badass and now Oscar winner too (for her fierce style).
Cinderella's stepsisters and stepmother.
Edith Cushing and Lady Lucille Sharpe (front)
  • This hilarious Kylo Ren tank from Jordandene based on the SNL "Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base" skit. I am obsessed with it and will likely do an OOTD post featuring it.
  • Meeting the ridiculously talented V.E. (or Victoria in the YA world) Schwab. She always writes the kind of stories I love to read, and she's such an inspiration because of her drive, perseverance, intelligence, and general graciousness. Basically, she's awesome and I loved her outfit when we met her this weekend on her A Gathering of Shadoes book tour. And I squeed a little to hear that her favorite character in the Shades of Magic series is Rhy because he's mine too, despite the limited page time he had in Book 1. But I always fall in love with side-ish characters.


Lots of movies!
  • Sicario - tense and twisty. Good.
  • The Martian - best comedy of the year (ha ha). While *not* a comedy, it's good, quirky, and has Gravity-lite moments.
  • Spotlight - good, thought provoking, important.
  • Zoolander 2- since I enjoyed the ridiculousness of the first, I enjoyed the second, especially Kiefer Sutherland.
  • Deadpool - really enjoyed it - irreverent, oddball, meta and from what I know of the character seemed to do good by him.
  • Straight Outta Compton - well done and so relevant to current events. Should've gotten more awards season love.

  • Alessia Cara's debut.
  • The new Of Monster's and Men album.

  • Possibly meeting up with author friends in real life in the near future!! Seriously, so excited about this!
  • All the amazing March YA releases! Special shout-out to my dear Jessica Love (today IN REAL LIFE is out!!), and I am obviously super excited for April Tucholke's darkly evocative WINK POPPY MIDNIGHT (March 22).


For more time to sleep.


Possibly going to Universal Studios. So excited, by the way, for Wizarding World to open later in the spring!!

  • Our interview about fandom with Nerdcoolture went up! Check it out here: Finding Fandom
  • My Hamilton anniversary! A little over a year ago, I sat in the Off-Broadway "room where it happened," and my world was never the same. I can't believe it's *only* been about a year! The version of the show I saw had Brian d'Arcy James as the original King George III and One Last Time was "One Last Ride" and included the Whiskey Rebellion. (Hamilton shouting "pay your taxes" at people during the song cracked me up.)
Bought the charm bracelet from BombDotComGeekery. Hamiltine from my sweet friend Justine.
  • Traveling! Parents decided they wanted to go to Sedona over President's Day weekend. The last time I had been, it was with my best gals for a bachelorette weekend. This time was obviously different but still so magical! We hiked and went on our first helicopter ride and drove through snow dusted red rock country to get to Flagstaff.

  • The highlights of this particular trip were incredible Antelope Canyon and breathtaking Horseshoe Bend, both located in northern Arizona on the Navajo Reservation. I posted tons of pics on Instagram (@akangaru and @girlontheroam), but these are the highlights.

    • I also shared a bit of wander-verse inspired by Antelope Canyon on the Girl on the Roam blog called Color Memory.
  • Putting together geeky outfits!

I'm wearing a Raven Boys t-shirt, which is kinda hard to see, but I love it! Great for exploring!

  • Girl Scout cookies. Thin Mints + Samoas are the best.

What's your Currently?


  1. Those travel photos are amaaaaazing! Wow. <3 And the petal drop looked like so much fun :)

  2. Congrats on finishing the poems!

    Your photos of Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend are phenomenal!!

  3. Those Arizona photos are breathtaking! Also, so cool to meet V.E. Schwab. I've really enjoyed all that I've read by her so far; a great author!
