
Currently... (13)

"Currently..." updates will be every 2 weeks or so. Going to try to update on Tuesdays when Katy Upperman posts hers.

I found the Currently post at Kate Hart's blog, who got the idea from Amy Lukavics, who found it here. Please join in and link me in the comments if you do!


  • All the Hamilton love because I love that my favorite Founding Father is finally getting some attention! (Not to mention, the musical itself is just crazy good. Seeing it on Broadway was a highlight of the trip, and I loved seeing how it has changed from the Off-Broadway version we saw in February - oh my god, I can't believe that was also this year!)

  • Experiencing the New England fall because wow, I get the hype now. The leaves, the apples, the CIDER DONUTS. *swoon*

  • Book / Writer / Twitter people! So much of my trip wouldn't have been half as fun (or even possible!) if it weren't for the hospitality, recommendations, and general generosity of the friends I've met through the book/writing community.
  • My friends' house-party because they had a Donald Trump piƱata, good food, and a karaoke machine in their backyard.

  • Halloween shenanigans! I had 3 costumes this year (witch, Feyre from A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES, and a Loki-inspired flapper)!

  • My friends and the Sister took a bunch of photos in costume! Loki was a bee. Then we watched INSIDIOUS and were scared.

  • We went to the opera on Halloween in costume! It was for Moby Dick & the stage design was super cool.

Way too much TV. So I'm just going to take this opportunity to say one of my favorite parts of my History Nerd vacation was vegetating on Tracey's couch and watching ALL THE TV.

I finished WINK, POPPY, MIDNIGHT and what a peculiar, wonderful book. It's hard to describe exactly what it is, but April's writing is always so beautiful and atmospheric. You're in for a treat this Spring. :)

I need to finish up some of the reads I put on hold when I went on vacation, but I'm really looking forward to Sarah Vowell's newest LAFAYETTE IN THE SOMEWHAT UNITED STATES. I love her humorous, historically-bent essays and I love Lafayette! So win-win! :D

Hamiltunes! Jams on jams on jams. I'm obsessed with Burr's First Act song "Wait for It." (You can stream it on Amazon music and Spotify!)

Also, I'm kind of into this podcast called LIMETOWN, which is a kind of creepy, possibly Sci-Fi story told in the style of Serial.

That I was still leafpeeping! I know going out to look at the leaves change colors is a thing, but I didn't know until recently that it had a term. I did so much of it on the East Coast, and goodness, no one does fall the way New England does. No wonder they get so excited about it. ;)
It's that time of year for Kelsey Macke and Jessica Love's annual mug exchange Sip Swap!

I did it last year and thought it was great. I met the geeky wonder woman that is Elizabeth Briggs, and Jessica Love sent me the most awesome mug. It is giant and it says "talk nerdy to me," so really a win all around.

I'd participate again in a second, but since I have a hoarder's level of mugs, I don't know if this is a great idea for me right now - especially since I bought a new mug during my trip...

Anyway, the deadline is this weekend, so do not dally!!

Obviously, I am sad that vacation is over, but I have all the great memories from my nerd trip to think about - and the millions of photos I haven't posted! I'll recap my adventures more fully eventually!

Also making me happy is spending so much time with my friends lately. One of the best parts of the trip was traveling with my faves AND meeting up with new(ish) and old friends alike, and November is shaping up to be weekends full of get-togethers with my favorite people!

(From top left clockwise: Tracey!!, Kim from Bookmunchies, my hilarious college roommate, my witty playwright friend from college who sympathized with my Founding Fathers love!)
(Sarah, again!!)
(The Epic East Coast Trip Nerd Squad!)

The Sister's truly top-notch imitations have been a delight!


Update me! What's up with you?


  1. Mmm, so many delicious fall pictures... I love this season best of all! Also: must try cider donuts. #notetoself

    Love your Feyre and flapper costumes! <3

  2. I had no idea that leafpeeping is a term either but I kind of love it! Your trip to New England has made me want to go there since I've been swooning over all of your photos you've been posting on instagram. I even suggested to my fiance that we think about living there once we're married! I'm glad you liked Wink Poppy Midnight, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! And I really adore your Loki inspired flapper costume! It's so adorable. And ahhh! That's so cool that you went to First Draft Live! I'm still catching up on all the back episodes (I think I'm up to episode 12 now so I have a long way to go!) but it's been so enjoyable and it's the perfect podcast to listen to during NaNoWriMo. I wish we could've met up at some point during your trip :-( But definitely next time!

  3. @Kristin It's so funny because the first time I'd ever heard the term was right before the trip from my friend's husband, who is originally from upstate NY. We were like "Are you making that up??" and he googled it for us to prove that he wasn't, lol. And then the friend I stayed with in MA before I went to Boston knew the term the second I mentioned it!

    Glad you enjoyed the Instagrams! I always worry about spamming when I'm traveling! When we were in Concord, everything was so gorgeously fall and the colonial houses were just lovely. My sister even said she'd be okay with living out there - but only in Fall because we'd freeze in the winter, lol.

    I love the First Draft podcast! It's so fascinating hearing all the different writing methods and everyone's backgrounds. I've actually been jumping all around, so you possibly have listened to more than I have! Good luck with NaNoWriMo!! Your Twitter updates suggest you've been doing pretty great with your wordcount!

  4. I love all your costumes! (yes today is catch-up-on-blogs day haha)
