
5 Fandom Friday (23)

(New Graphic by Darling Stewie)

5 Fandom Friday is a geek-blogger community building project started and hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick. Every Friday, post a top 5 list based on a predetermined topic that can be found on this master post - you can also find more info on the project there. Participate as frequently or infrequently as you like, and if a topic doesn't especially appeal to you, feel free to put your own twist on it.

Also, tweet at @superspacechick or @thenerdygirlie on Friday with your post (and they'll RT) and use the #Fandom5 hashtag so we can all connect!

This week's theme: People You Want on Your Side During an Apocalypse (via Kendall Ashley)

1) The Winchesters (Supernatural, TV) - How many apocalypses have these boys averted and/or survived now? They've faced everything from poltergeists to old gods to the devil himself, and they're still standing 200+ episodes later. Not to mention, when they aren't angsting at each other, the boys seem like they'd be fun to hang out with too.

2) Katsa (Graceling, book) - this YA fantasy heroine has a killer Grace (special ability), literally. There's more to it than that, but I don't want to say too much in case you haven't read this excellent book. She's smart, fearsome, resourceful, and loyal - someone you'd want around in a jam.

3) Rick's Group (The Walking Dead, TV) - Sure, they've lost a few people along the way, but generally speaking, the main cast of TWD are survivors. They made it through the initial apocalypse, and now they're living the post-apocalypse. They're also a family unit at this point. If you're part of the core group, you can count on someone having your back.

4) Hermione (Harry Potter, book) - she's the cleverest witch of her age and an amazing friend, to boot. Let's face it - Harry Potter may have been the Chosen One, but without Hermione, he would've been lucky to make it to Book 3. Bonus: she has magic. When I told my sister about this prompt, she immediately said, "You should pick someone with powers."

5) R2-D2 (Star Wars, movie) - Who has made it through the Star Wars saga from beginning to end (and to the new movie)? This irreplaceable droid. If anyone is going to help me make it through upheaval and things going to crap, it's going to be R2-D2.

Q4U: Who would you want on your Apocalypse-survival team?


  1. R2-D2! Excellent pick! He is a SURVIVOR!!!

  2. Oh man, R2-D2 is an awesome pick!!! He may be the best survivor there ever was <3

  3. Awww R2D2 is such a great pick, I love it xoxo


  4. R2D2!!! Nice picks! And yay for the Winchesters (one of the best choices ;) )
