
RSW 2015: Final

Ready.Set.Write! is a summer writing intensive hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Jaime Morrow. Click the banner or the link previous for more information on the intensive.

This is the final week of Ready.Set.Write! and so this will be a wrap-up post. I can't believe it's over!

1. How I did on last week’s goals
  • Write for 15 min every day. 5 out of 7. Revised a poem AND wrote another one!
  • Read 3 chapters of beta read. No for this week.
  • In bed by 12:30a at the latest. No, but getting closer!
  • Relax/ vegetate (for birthday week) Yes! Lots of food and fun were had!

2. How I did on main goal of RSW
  • Terrible! At the beginning of the summer, I set out to work on my long-languishing WIP, Cinders. While I did write a few new scenes and tinker with the plot, I really had a hard time getting myself to concentrate on it and really write it.
  • However! As usual, procrastinating on what I should be doing helps me to be really productive in other areas. I may not have gotten very far with Cinders, but I did manage to get me back in the swing of poetry.
    • This summer, I wrote 1 new micro-poem for the Girl on the Roam blog, 1 new long-er poem (which I've had beta-ed and am revising), and another short poem which I'm revising based on feedback.

3. Biggest challenge faced during RSW

ENERGY! I feel like I always sound like I'm busy when I blog here, and to a certain extent, that's true. But mostly, this summer, some of the more regular parts of my life were more stressful than usual. So, I also felt more of a drain than I usually do - and the busy-fun stuff was an escape I needed more than I normally would.

4. Manicures & manuscripts

I'm not that great at giving myself manicures, and I couldn't think of anything very creative. So here's mine! It's mostly glitter because Cinders has a lot of winter and glass imagery and the long poem I'm revising has to do with stars.

Thanks again to the lovely ladies who host Ready.Set.Write! every summer! Even if I fall short of my goals, the intensive itself always keeps me working on my writing - at least - and blogging consistently as a bonus too!

How did you do with your goals this summer?


  1. Love your manicure, Alice! I've loved following along with your adventures this summer, and I'm looking forward to cheering you on through fall. Best of luck with all of your writing projects, lady!

  2. Your manicure is so pretty, Alice! And I love that it not only reflects CINDERS but your poetry as well. :-) Thanks for joining us again this summer. It's always nice to have that extra bit of connection with our writer friends, isn't it? And thank you for all the encouragement too!

  3. Your nails look gorgeous, and it's brilliant that they tie into both your poetry and your fiction! They do have that really nice night-time wintery look...

    I love that your procrastinating is just as creative and productive, so congratulations on getting back into poetry (and for getting to bed nearer and nearer half-midnight! I'm quite envious...!). And I hope autumn is less stressful for you too. :)
