
What's Up Wednesday (60)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


Same as last week, but added DUEL WITH THE DEVIL by Paul Collins. It's historical non-fiction, and I saw it at the Hamilton Grange and was intrigued. It's about how Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr worked together as legal counsel in America's first recorded murder trial.

I think you can see why this has caught my attention. I am, surprisingly, reading 0 YA books at the moment, and 2 of the books I'm reading are straight up non-fiction!


Tinkering with some character motivations. Wrote a few snippets of dialogue. Baby steps, right?

Writing Goal: Work on the unfinished SNI scene.


I honestly have nothing to say here this week. I think I'm just tired and a little overwhelmed trying to get back into the groove of things. Post-vacation hangover I suppose.


Nothing too much besides adjusting to the heat in Southern California. We skipped from spring into summer or something because it was in the 90s this past weekend. I basically gorged on Jamba Juice and shaved ice, while one of my friends ran the LA Marathon (because she's a bamf)!

The other thing I've been up to is trying to figure out if I can make it out the NYC again this year to see Hamilton on Broadway. Am I obsessed? Yes, probably. The high has worn off a bit now, but I'm still considering making this my birthday wish because the show is that good.

It also accounts for my major US History reading binge. Yes, I just bought both SHADOW SCALE (the long-awaited follow-up to Seraphina, which I loved! Review linked) and THE WINNER'S CURSE (another omg-I-need-this sequel), but what am I reading? Duel with the Devil - a cold case murder trial from 1800! I also finally bought Ron Chernow's WASHINGTON: A LIFE, for which he won the Pulitzer.

Speaking of nerdy things, I've started recapping my NYC trip in more detail (and pictures). PART 1 is here! PART 2 will be up next week (it's the nerdier part of the 2)! :)

The Sis and I also just started watching THE JINX on HBO, which is addictive in the same way the podcast Serial was. The series finale was this past Sunday, so we're late to the game. But if there's anything the Sis & I are good at, it's binge-watching TV.

Other than that, mostly just trying to stay cool out here & messing with Loki!

What's up with you?


  1. Wow, stay cool! I'm a bit of a baby, I can't stand the heat so I suppose it's a good thing I live in Britain.

    Happy tinkering! Have a lovely week! :)

  2. Sounds like you had a fantastic time in New York! Have a great week. :)

  3. I've heard so much good about WINNER'S CURSE/CRIME, I'm really going to have to get on that.

    Getting over vacation hangover takes time, so don't worry too much about it :)

    Good luck!

  4. Enjoy your book! It sounds like something I'd enjoy too - I'm a huge fan of reading non-fiction about murder trials. Good luck writing this week.

    My What's Up Wednesday post.

  5. Sounds like an awesome week to me. I need to read more about Alexander Hamilton now - you've inspired me.

    And relax! You're recovering from your vacation. :)

  6. That's too hot for me, but sounds like you've found a nice way to cool off a little. Have fun tinkering, and glad you enjoyed NY.

  7. Ah, I wish our weather here in Alberta was that hot!
    I can't wait to read The Winner's Crime! I don't think my library even has copies yet. Boo.

  8. Man, I wish we'd skip right into summer here. I'm so ready for it! Though, not so much 90 degree temps. Too hot! You know, I haven't read much in the way of non-fiction, but I feel like I should. I loved THE WINNER'S CRIME so much.♥ You've just reminded me that I need to get my hands on a copy of SHADOW SCALE. But first, I think a SERAPHINA reread might be in order. Darn.

    Have an awesome week, Alice! :D
