
5 Fandom Friday (16)

5 Fandom Friday is a geek-blogger community building project started and hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick. Every Friday, post a top 5 list based on a predetermined topic that can be found on this master post - you can also find more info on the project there. Participate as frequently or infrequently as you like, and if a topic doesn't especially appeal to you, feel free to put your own twist on it.

Don't forget to link up at Kristin's blog!

This week's theme: One Fandom Item Styled Five Different Ways

Not gonna lie, I was quite excited for this week's theme because over the past year or so, I've been generally trying to up my fashion game. This past November's Nerdvember challenge really helped in that department, especially on the geeky side of it. It was hard but also kind of fun coming up with 30 different outfits for the month.

So anyway, I'm using my Blackmilk Marauders Map Reversible Skater Dress 2.0 as my 1 Fandom item - and okay, it's cheating a little bit because my dress is reversible but how could I not take advantage? ;)

1) The Marauders Map dress by itself with ankle boots & flower headband.

2) A Ravenclaw-themed outfit - dress with blue cardigan and House tie hair ribbon, nude sandals.

3) Dress as skirt paired with a theme-matched Jordandené sweatshirt and gold loafers.

4) Dress over polka-dot dress shirt and belted at the waist, with black boots.

5) Dress as top with chambray skirt, pink coat, and studded nude pumps.

Bonus Outfit 4 outtake with Loki!

How would you style this dress?

P.S. I'm a finalist in Geek Fashion Week's Style Your Universe contest!

If you are so inclined, please vote for me - either favorite on Twitter or Like on Instagram! Voting ends at noon on 3/29!


  1. You did a fantastic job! That dress makes a great base for so many looks!

  2. Such great looks, it has definitely give me some ideas on how to style my BM Westeros dress xoxo

    ♥ Cateaclysmic ♥

  3. Totally love the way you styled this dress!

  4. You have done a great job. Love the way you have styled the dress :)

  5. I love outfits 3 and 5, you did a great job with all of them though!

  6. After following your Nerdvember Instagram pics I was really looking forward to seeing your post! Great item choice and so versatile - pairing it with different skirts and shirts is a really great idea.

    ps - Ravenclaw Pride!

  7. Love it! Especially the one with the sweatshirt.
