
What's Up Wednesday (58)

(It's still unseasonably warm here, but I couldn't resist this snowman button!)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!



Really enjoying the world-building in this one, and I'm curious to see how Adelina evolves.


World-building for the SNI because it's glitzy and sparkly, and I like that.

Writing Goal: Write a stanza for the verse story.


Playing the game of What If? This usually helps with world-building and/or the early stages with the SNI. There are usually a few details that come with the initial idea, and from there, I'll pick the few bits that I think are the most interesting and ask what if?. If this exists in this way, then how would it affect this?


I have been anticipating the new sitcom FRESH OFF THE BOAT and hoping that it would be good. It's been 20 years since an Asian American family has starred in a broadcast sitcom. Last Wednesday, it had a 2-episode premiere and it was HILARIOUS. I have never laughed so hard at a half hour TV show since maybe Arrested Development. The 2 episodes this week were somehow even funnier. If you've been thinking about watching the show and haven't yet, do so immediately. It is so great!


Though I found out about this last minute, I made it to Gayle Forman's signing at my local indie! It was really fun because she brought her friends (and fellow writers) Margaret Stohl and Deanna Kizis. These 3 women were hilarious together and could have gone on all night, but the Q&A was brought to a close by a little boy who asked "When is it over?" before his mom could stop him. It was the perfect end to the night.

And then I picked up a copy of Gayle Forman's new book I WAS HERE and got my old books signed. Yay!


The Sis and I went to the Hozier show at the Fonda, and it was wonderful (of course)! I've been looking forward to this show since the last time (which was the first time) I saw him in 2014 at the Troubadour, and it did not disappoint. I fangirled about how I fell in insta-love with this voice and music at that first show in my Fandom Friday post about songs from a few weeks ago.

I had a great weekend that involved some retail therapy. I bought a new weekender (that I needed), some shoes I had wanted ages ago but my size wasn't available, and a fabulous blue coat (for NYC coldness). Elodie and Katy asked for pics, but I don't have any yet. Maybe I'll take some this weekend! :D

And lastly, I have some good news that was just finalized this week: I am the new category Editor for Middle Grade at Riffle!

What's Riffle? It's an online community of book lovers, sharing their recommendations, reviews, and TBR lists in a visually appealing way - like a Pinterest for books. It's also a nice alternative to goodreads if you're looking for a new literary playground. (The lists are probably my favorite current feature.)

While I'm more of a YA reader, I do love me some MG too, so I jumped at the opportunity to curate and grow the category at Riffle. Since I am learning and exploring this category as well, I'd love any of your suggestions for MUST-READ MG books. Let me know in the comments or on Riffle!

You can find me getting up to mischief here:

Riffle: Middle Grade Editor
Riffle (personal): Alice (Krispy)
Twitter: @RiffleMG
Tumblr: Riffle Middle Grade

Give me a follow if you are so inclined! :) (But please bear with me this month as I start finding my footing.)

I'm very excited to be working with the folks at Riffle! Here's to fun times ahead!

What's up with you?


  1. Congratulations on the new editorial position! And enjoy that SNI planning. Glitzy and sparkly sounds fun ^_^

  2. Wow it sounds like you've had a lot of fun this week. :D Congratulations on your new position!

  3. Congratulations about Riffle. I'm going to have to go check it out. I love alternatives to goodreads!

    I put down The Young Elites after one chapter...I think I went in with way too high expectations because I loved her other series. It was right in the middle of my funk where I didn't finish any books though, so if you like it I may try it again.

    Have an awesome week!

  4. Congrats on the new gig, you'll do great.
    I watched the first few episodes of Fresh off The Boat and I think it's hilarious.
    Thanks for sharing. :D

  5. THE YOUNG ELITES sounds like a great read. Congratulations on the new position! :) Enjoy the worldbuilding - I love that stage of a new idea!

  6. Congrats on the new position. LOVE your (dress?) with the birds. You always have the coolest clothes. Enjoy the shiny new idea, the what ifs and the world building. I haven't seen FRESH OFF THE BOAT but I'm eager to!

  7. Now you've got me curious as to what corner of the world you occupy, because although it's been chilly here in Florida, there's definitely been no snowman worthy days. =)

    You totally rock that dress. I couldn't get away with it, but it's super cute on you!

  8. Ah, congrats on your new position - how exciting! That's so awesome that you got to meet Gayle Forman. Her writing is like music for the eyes. And I am LOOOVING Fresh off the Boat!

  9. Oh, my gosh -- your new position at Riffle sounds awesome! Also well-deserved, because your book recs are spot-on. Congratulations! Best of luck with your SNI. Love what you said about the world-building. In case I haven't offered before, I'd be more than thrilled to read for you anytime. :-)

  10. That Riffle position sounds AWESOME! Congrats on the new gig! :D I hadn't heard of Riffle before, but I will be swinging by to check it out for sure! )Honestly, I think another alternative to Goodreads sounds great.)

    I've always thought world-building for some kind of fantasy or whatever would be so much fun. Hard, but fun. One day maybe I'll tackle something like that. Hope you're having fun with your world-building! Have a great week!

  11. Congrats on the position!! Woot!

    I love how smooth and streamlined the site is. And I'm excited to know that you're one of the "powers that be" there.

  12. Hozier! He's so pretty (and talented). I've never read anything my Gayle Foreman, which is a travesty as a YA writer, I know. I watched the premiere episodes of Fresh of the Boat as well and really enjoyed them. Have a great week!

  13. Congrats on the editor position!
    I don't know Hozier very well, I'm new to the bandwagon thanks to "Take me to Church."

  14. Congrats! I'm reading I Was Here right now. It is very good. I'm going to see Hozier in concert in March at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. I'm really excited. Have a great week!

  15. Riffle sounds amazing! I am always looking for MG recs because none of my CPS read it! Thanks!

  16. Wow that's a pretty amazing week. Congrats on the editorial position at Riffle (that was new to me so thanks. I'll be checking it out)

    The Hozier concert sounds amazing.
